Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Head of Fisheries Engineering Department Professor Dr. Mine Kırkağaç said that fisheries and aquaculture production in Turkey is 836 thousand 168 tons according to data of 2019 and 55,36 percent of this amount obtained by hunting.
Dr. Kırkağaç said, “Although the decrease of approximately 12 percent in seafood in the previous year shows itself as an increase according to the latest data, there has been an irregular fluctuation in fishing production in recent years.”
Stating that major fish species being hunted across Turkey are anchovy, sardines, mackerel, bonito and sprat, Dr. Kırkağaç explained:
“Especially anchovy catches has determined the place of Turkey in the production of fishery products obtained by hunting in the world. Mostly stalls of anchovy size last year, is less than 9 centimetres fishable size was noteworthy. Thus, our fishermen should make hunting according to the limitations set by the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry, this is highly important for over-fishing prevention and sustainability of stocks and the national economy.”
Noting that fish is of a high-value food with its protein, fat, vitamin and mineral content, Dr. Kırkağaç added:
“Our country, which is surrounded by seas on three sides and has abundant inland water resources, is very rich in terms of fish species and other aquaculture products. However, our people cannot benefit from this resource sufficiently. Per capita fish consumption in the world is generally 16 kilograms per year and 22 kilograms in the European Union. It is reported as 60-70 kilograms in Japan. According to the latest data, this value is around 6.1 kilograms in our country and is very low. Solutions to increase the consumption of seafood products should be developed in our country.”