“Biodiversity, Agriculture and Food Symposium” will be held in Türkiye’s Eastern Anatolian province of Erzurum by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) to discuss the loss of biodiversity in agriculture and its possible effects due to faulty practices in agriculture and climate change that has increased its impact in recent years.
According to the statement made by TÜBA, the symposium will be hosted by Atatürk University between 21-23 September with the cooperation of the environment, biodiversity and climate change working group and the nutrition working group established within the academy.
Representatives from relevant ministries, faculty members from state and foundation universities, researchers, experts and managers from sectors will attend the symposium where the report to be prepared will be shared with the public.
TÜBA President Professor Dr. Muzaffer Şeker said that TÜBA acts with the responsibility of conducting examinations and providing consultancy in order to determine scientific issues and scientific priorities.
“Biodiversity represents the vital elements of life”
Stating that it is among the priorities of the academy to carry out reporting and scientific publication activities for the country’s science strategy and to share these with relevant institutions and individuals, Şeker said, “The world is alarmed about vital biocompatibility, agriculture and food issues. The balance of nature works within a unique system. If we remove a link from this chain, the structure of the whole system changes. Biodiversity represents the vital elements of life.”
“Forests are burning all over the world, the pace of urbanisation is not slowing down, we pay the price of all these, including climate change, not only as a country or a society, but as the whole world, and we experience the social and economic effects very harshly. Therefore, every work done to prevent all these is actually for all of us,” he added…