ANTALYA – Attending the “Congress on Licensed Warehousing and Grain Markets in Türkiye and the World” in Antalya, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı said that they produced 39 million tonnes of cereals in 2024.
“We are the world’s 1st in flour exports and 2nd in pasta exports. We make production planning for 3 years. At the end of 3 years, we aim to achieve a 13 percent increase in our cereal production in 2028,” Yumaklı said.

Speaking at the “Congress on Licensed Warehousing and Grain Markets in Türkiye and the World” held in Serik district, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı emphasised the country’s success in grain production and its leading position in exports. Minister Yumaklı evaluated the growth in the sector with important data and projections to ramp up Turkey’s strength in the agriculture and food sector.
39 million tonnes of grain production in 2024…
Minister Yumaklı stated that grains are produced on 48 percent of Türkiye’s 23.9 million hectares of agricultural land and that 39 million tonnes of cereals were produced in 2024. Drawing attention to the country’s ranking in world cereal production, Yumaklı explained, “We are ranked 5th in the world in barley, 9th in wheat, 16th in corn and 43rd in paddy. Moreover, our production capacity was significantly increased thanks to R&D and irrigation investments.”

World leader in flour and pasta exports…
Pointing out that Türkiye, thanks to its strong agricultural industry, not only processes its own production but also the agricultural products of neighbouring regions and delivers them to the world markets, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Yumaklı noted that Türkiye ranks 1st in the world in flour exports and 2nd in pasta exports. Minister Yumaklı also announced that the export of agrifood products, which was 31 billion dollars in 2023, is expected to exceed 32 billion dollars in 2024.
Important developments in licensed warehousing and exports…
Referring to the grain storage capacity, Minister Yumaklı highlighted that 12.2 million tonnes of capacity has been reached in licensed warehousing. “Thanks to this system, storage-related losses have decreased by 10-30 percent and an annual product waste of approximately 23 billion liras has been prevented. Furthermore, the sector was financially strengthened with zero-interest business loans and analysis fee supports offered to producers,” Yumaklı added…