Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / Celal Kadooğlu: We have achieved 130 percent export growth in Iraq in 15 years

Celal Kadooğlu: We have achieved 130 percent export growth in Iraq in 15 years

Press release…’

Celal Kadooğlu, Chairperson of the Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters’ Association, stated that they are determined to continue the intensive programme they carried out in 2024 for the increase in cooperation between Türkiye and Iraq and the expansion of trade volume. Kadooğlu also stated that Syria is at the top of the agenda.

“Since we are very close to the leading political and commercial centres of the region such as Aleppo and Erbil, we are affected by the developments in our border neighbours. Our competitors, who are trying to get more share from the economic development of these countries, which we see as Türkiye’s main market, are making intensive marking in the region and looking for ways to boost their commercial relations. We are experienced from the past in how efficient our efforts to prevent such attacks and protect our main markets are. In Iraq, where we exported 521 million dollars of sectoral products from the Southeast in 2009, our exports enhanced by 130 percent in 15 years to 1 billion 150 million dollars. We have an export target of 2 billion dollars by 2030,” Kadooğlu said.

‘We want to ramp up our cereal exports to Syria by 300 million dollars’

Indicating that they expect to make a similar breakthrough in Syria to the one achieved in Iraq and evaluating the effects of the increasing orders in December on the end of 2024, Kadooğlu added, “Syria has spent the last 15 years, during which the trade between the Southeast and Iraq was intensified, in an environment of civil war that led the country’s economy to the point of collapse. At this point, economic recovery will take time in this country, which has stopped oil production and faces extreme impoverishment. It is crucial that the EU and the US lift the sanctions they have imposed against Syria in the past and that the international community step up its support for the reconstruction of the country. Because Syrians, who have been living under hardship for a long time, expect serious support in accessing their needs, especially medical supplies and food.”

“Our exports to Syria, to which we exported 22.7 million dollars worth of cereals on a monthly average until November last year, reached 33 million dollars in December with an increase of nearly 50 percent. Our sector exported wheat flour and vegetable oil the most in this period. Depending on the stability conditions in the country, if we can raise our monthly exports to 50 million dollars, we can also rise our income by more than 300 million dollars per year,” he concluded…

About İsmail Uğural

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