Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / Maralfalfa crop could be a new beginning in Samsun’s Bafra plain!

Maralfalfa crop could be a new beginning in Samsun’s Bafra plain!

If the maralfalfa fodder crop, which can be harvested for 10 to 15 years after being planted once in Black Sea province of Samsun’s Bafra Plain and reaches 3 metres in 60 days, adapts to the region, it is considered that it will be a new beginning in animal husbandry and agriculture sector.

Ahmet Yüksel, who organically cultivated the maralfalfa forage plant, which starts to grow in a week after planting and grows by tillering in 45 days, in 30 decares in Sürmeli Neighbourhood, informed Mehmet Güreş, the District Director of Agriculture and Forestry and Osman Tosuner, the Head of the Chamber of Agriculture.

Producer Ahmet Yüksel said, “I live in Ankara, I decided to do agriculture in my village after 40 years. I planted 70 decares of fodder peas and wheat. I closed it with a loss of 120 thousand liras due to low prices. I started the roughage plant called maralfalfa, which is currently new in the Black Sea Region, as a sample project. I started it here with 500 square metres, for the first time in the Black Sea Region, I planted 30 decares of maralfalfa roughage crop 1 month ago, we will have our first harvest towards the end of September. The main feature of this crop is its high protein value. When we compare it with corn silage, while the nutritional value of corn silage is in the range of 6-8, maralfalfa is in the range of 18-20, and it has been confirmed that there is a 30-35 percent increase in meat and milk yield. It is sown once and harvested for 10 to 15 years depending on the region and care. It is harvested 2-3 times a year, 4 times in some regions, and a yield of 50 tonnes to 80 tonnes is obtained.”

Osman Tosuner, Head of the Chamber of Agriculture, added, “I wish the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to include these in its scope and distribute such high protein products and plants to the farmers in the form of grants.”

About İsmail Uğural

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