For Egypt, whose economy was shaken by geopolitical conflicts, it is possible to talk about a calmer environment in recent years. In addition to the re-stabilisation of the country, Egypt’s dense population signals more exports in cereals and pulses. It is necessary to accelerate commercial contacts in the field of grain products with Egypt, which is the 7th country importing the highest amount of grain on a global scale.

There is a chronic foreign trade deficit problem…
The foreign trade deficit, which has become chronic, has increased over the years. Egypt gives the impression of a country that imports basic agricultural products as well as industrial products. Egypt, which ranked 7th in the world cereal imports in 2022, imported 6 billion 408 million dollars in the said period. Russia is the country that imports the most in the grain products group with 1.94 billion dollars. The second country with the highest imports was Brazil with a value of 1.39 billion dollars.
Brazil is followed by Romania with 735 million dollars, Argentina with 622 million dollars and France with 610 million dollars. Egypt’s imports of cereal products from Türkiye is around 8 million dollars. Although this figure is low, the fact that Türkiye prefers to sell cereal products to countries with high income levels may explain the low level of exports.

Agriculture’s contribution to GDP in Egypt is 11 percent…
According to the information obtained from the Ministry of Trade, Egypt is expected to be the 38th largest economy in the world among 196 countries with a national income of 398 billion dollars estimated for 2023 and to rank 130th in the world with its per capita income. According to 2022 data, the share of the agricultural sector in the country’s GDP is 11 percent, industry (including construction) 33 percent and the services sector 56 percent. In 2022, the country attracted 11.4 billion dollars in foreign direct investment. Looking at the distribution of the country’s exports by region; the share of the EU is 34 percent, the Middle East 24 percent, Africa 12 percent and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region 10 percent…