Press release…
The 7-month exports of the region in the field of cereals, pulses, oil seeds and products, which is the most exporting sector of Southeastern Anatolia, was 1.9 billion dollars. During this period, total cereal exports from the region exceeded 2.5 million tonnes. Companies in the region exported 586 thousand tonnes of pasta and 247 thousand tonnes of sunflower oil. According to these data, 62.9 percent of Türkiye’s total pasta exports and 55.7 percent of sunflower oil exports were made from the Southeastern Anatolia region. In the 7-month period, sunflower oil exports of the Southeast reached 294 million dollars. Djibouti, Iraq and the USA took the first three places in vegetable oil exports.

“Sunflower seed tariff quota should cover refined oil producers”
Celal Kadooğlu, Chair of the Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters’ Association, evaluated the opening of a tariff quota for the import of sunflower seeds with low customs duty between 1 January and 30 April 2025 with the Presidential Decree.
“The sunflower harvest, which started in Çukurova region as of July, continues in Marmara region and the data coming from here show that the extreme heat this year has affected the yield. In this process, in order to ensure product supply security and to positively affect pricing behaviour, an important step was taken with the Presidential decision on imports. With the decision published in the Official Gazette, a tariff quota was opened for the import of 1 million tonnes of oil sunflower next year,” he said.
Pointing out that they would like to see this regulation, which aims to support crude oil production, extended to enterprises that produce edible oil through refining process and serve the end consumer, he added, “Because we believe that allocating the tariff quota only to companies that use sunflower seeds will create an asymmetry and unfair competition throughout the sector. In the absence of expansion towards refining companies, there is a risk that crude sunflower oil pricing will not be formed in a healthy way under free market conditions.”