The turkeys, which are carefully raised in special farms in Türkiye’s Northwestern province of Bolu, are being prepared to be slaughtered in total 150 thousand pieces and delivered to consumers. It is stated that the demand for turkey meat is increasing day by day with its high nutritional value and low cholesterol rate.
In Bolu, which meets 30 percent of Türkiye’s need, turkeys carefully raised in special farms are preparing to reach consumers’ tables. The turkeys, which are carefully raised in production farms and weigh an average of 7-8 kilograms, attract attention with both nutritional value and taste.
Turkeys raised in modern production facilities in Bolu province continue to be indispensable for the tables in terms of both health and taste. The turkeys, which are specially cared for and weigh an average of 7-8 kilograms, are loaded onto trucks and taken to the slaughterhouse to take their place on the tables. Bolu’s turkeys, which have an important place in the sector with a 30 percent share in the country’s turkey production, find buyers at 300 liras per kilogram.
‘150 thousand turkeys will be slaughtered this year’
İskender Kesim, the live production manager of a turkey production facility in Bolu region, gave information about production processes and rising demand. “This year we planned to slaughter 150 thousand New Year’s turkeys. We will continue slaughtering until 30 December. Normally, we slaughter 11 kilograms of female and 20 kilograms of male turkeys, but in line with the demand of consumers, this year we are slaughtering turkeys weighing 7.5 – 8 kilograms. Their carcass weight is 4.5-5 kilograms. A family of about 5 people can consume this,” he said.
‘The demand for turkey meat is surging day by day’
Giving the information that turkeys are slaughtered when they reach the ideal weight in about 80-85 days, İskender Kesim added, “There is an increase in our slaughtering on normal days. The demand for turkey meat is surging day by day. Turkey meat is a valuable and delicious meat in terms of nutritional values. It has high protein value, low cholesterol and fat content. Therefore, as the demand of the consumer surges, we are upscaling our own capacity.”