Rize Commodity Exchange President Mehmet Erdoğan announced that the 2024 fresh tea yield has been determined as 1 million 438 thousand tonnes. It was stated that 45.47 percent of this figure was processed by the private sector. Erdoğan emphasised that the fresh tea yield has soared in the past four years and that the government’s support for the tea producer has strengthened the sector.
According to Rize Commodity Exchange statistics; 1 million 438 thousand tonnes of fresh tea was processed in 2024. While 54.53 percent of the fresh tea produced, ie 783 thousand 483 tonnes, was processed by the General Directorate of Tea Enterprises (ÇAYKUR), 45.47 percent, ie 654 thousand 999 tonnes, was processed by private sector enterprises.
Stating that tea production in the world has surged by 10 percent in the last 5 years and Erdoğan said, “China ranks first in production with 14.5 million tonnes. Our country ranks fifth among the world tea producing countries with a five-year average production of 1.250 -1.400 thousand tonnes.”
“In our country, approximately 205 thousand 118 producers cultivate tea in 791 thousand 287 decares in the Eastern Black Sea Region. 70 percent of this production takes place in Rize province. While the fresh tea product yield has varied between 1,250 -1,400 thousand tonnes on average in the last four years, the yield exceeded 1 million 438 thousand tonnes in 2024. Compared to the previous year, the fresh tea yield increased by 5.74 percent,” Erdoğan noted.
Pointing out that the government’s support for the tea producer keeps the sector alive, Erdoğan added, “The economic distress experienced in the world and Türkiye in 2024, was also felt in our province. Increasing costs and high inflation have also negatively affected the tea sector. But despite everything, thanks to the strong stance of our sector, we managed to produce the dry tea that our country needs in this difficult period.”