With the slogan ‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe!’, the EU Commission has decided to allocate 132 million euros for the promotion of agricultural and food products in 2025 and proposed new measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the agri-food supply chain and improve cross-border sanctions against unfair trade practices.
The EU Commission announced that 132 million euros will be allocated to co-finance the promotion of EU agricultural and food products in the EU internal market and worldwide in 2025.
The EU will promote in target markets…
The ‘Work Programme for Promotion Policy 2025’ adopted by the Commission aims to help EU farmers and the EU food industry to maintain their existing market share and develop new market opportunities. In this framework, 63.4 million euros will be allocated for promotional activities in countries outside the EU and 58.6 million euros for activities to be carried out in the EU internal market in 2025.
In the Work Programme of the EU Commission, China, Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, the United Kingdom and North American countries with high growth potential outside the EU are defined as target markets for promotional activities. More than 20 percent of EU agri-food exports go to the UK.
‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe!’
Commenting on the 2025 Promotion Policy Work Programme, Christophe Hansen, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, underlined that the EU is a global hub for agriculture and food and said, “Our products and culinary heritage are recognised all over the world. I am very happy that we can continue their promotion next year with a budget of 132 million euros. We can be proud of the way we produce food in the EU.”
“‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe’ is our brand and we need to make sure it is recognised and understood around the world to get the best value for our farmers and producers,” Hansen added…