Press release…
Wheat Harvest Estimate of UHK 20,75 Million Tonnes…
The second estimation of the Turkish wheat yield of the National Grain Council (UHK) has been announced.
According to the Wheat Production Yield Forecast and Evaluation Report of the Council of 2022-23 (1 October 2022-30 April 2023) published on 10 May 2023, Türkiye’s wheat harvest was estimated as 20.75 million tonnes.
According to the report, 7.3 million hectares of wheat are expected to be planted in this production season.

National Grain Council President Özkan Taşpınar said that according to current observations, the yield could be 20,750 million tonnes, 3.75 percent above the long-term average.
Taşpınar said that Türkiye received 374 mm of precipitation during the 7-month development period of 1 October 2022-30 April 2023 and this rate is 13 percent below the long-term average; “The lack of precipitation in the winter season was felt more clearly throughout the country, making it the second winter season with the lowest precipitation in the last 63 years. The fact that the spring months are rainy throughout the country reflects positively on the yield expectation,” he said.
Yield 20,75 Million Tonnes…
Drawing attention to the increase in wheat cultivation areas, he added, “Based on the increase in input costs last season, the base price, difference payment and enhanced agricultural supports were reflected in producer satisfaction and showed itself as an increase in winter and summer wheat plantings. It is predicted that 7.3 million hectares of wheat will be planted in the 2022-23 production year. In the light of these regional evaluations, it has been evaluated that the yield in this production year may be 20,750 million tonnes, with a rise of 3.75% compared to the long-term average of 20 million tonnes.”