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“Recommendations to Farmers for Sustainable and Transformable Agriculture”

Dear farmers, seed is the building block of life and the foundation of agriculture. You produce and reproduce for the continuity of all life. It will be possible to boost productivity and quality in our country’s agriculture by cooperating with our farmers who breathe life into the soil with ancestral experiences and agricultural professionals who integrate science and technique into agriculture. Today, we have farmers who follow innovations in Turkish agriculture and realise expert agricultural production. We have prepared a step-by-step expert agricultural production guide for you for sustainable and transformable expert agricultural production despite the problems of climate change, global warming, drought, decrease in water resources and water shortage.

General Recommendations…

Regardless of which plant group you work in the name of agricultural production, I have listed below what you should pay attention to and benefit from in general. Following current information and technologies, benefiting from rural development supports and cooperating with communities will add value to your agricultural activity.

  1. You Can Follow Current Information – Learn New Developments and Technologies: By following innovations and technological developments in the agricultural sector, you can optimise your production processes. For example; You can follow innovations in precision agricultural technologies, irrigation systems, drone use and biotechnology – Participate in Trainings: You can update your knowledge and skills by attending seminars, courses and training programmes related to the agricultural sector and its work. Participating in trainings organised by universities, agricultural ministry and agricultural associations will increase your agricultural knowledge and skills.
  1. You can benefit from Rural Development Supports – Government Supports and Grants: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; You can follow the support programmes and grants provided by local governments. By taking advantage of these supports, you can reduce your costs, make technological investments and surge your productivity.
  1. Cooperate with Communities – You can share information and experience: You can come together regularly with other farmers and producers and share your knowledge and experience. It will be useful to exchange experiences on agricultural practices, disease and pest control, fertilisation and irrigation techniques.

You can join co-operatives: Cooperatives will enable farmers to be stronger and more effective by acting together. By engaging in activities such as joint purchasing, marketing, storage and processing, you can reduce your costs and sell your products at better prices.

Agricultural Engineers and Farmer Cooperation…

The cooperation of agricultural engineers and you, our valuable farmers, will make a big difference by increasing quality and efficiency in our agricultural production processes.

  1. Soil Analysis and Productivity

Soil Analysis: Agricultural engineers play an important role in determining soil structure and nutrient content. These analyses will help determine the right fertilisation and plant nutrition strategies.

Productivity Increase: According to the results of soil analysis, agricultural engineers will increase your product efficiency and reduce costs by recommending the most appropriate planting and fertilisation methods.

  1. Plant Protection and Disease Management

Integrated Pest Management: Agricultural engineers guide you in the detection and control of pests and diseases. Controlling pests with biological and cultural methods instead of using chemicals will increase your productivity without harming the environment and your health.

Disease Management: Early diagnosis of diseases and application of correct treatment methods will minimise crop losses. Agricultural engineers will provide you with the necessary training and support on these issues.

  1. Irrigation and Water Management

Efficient Irrigation Systems: Modern irrigation techniques are essential for the efficient utilisation of diminishing water resources. Agricultural engineers will provide you with the most appropriate irrigation systems and water management strategies.

Water Conservation: Conservation of water resources is critical for sustainable agriculture. Agricultural engineers will inform and support you on methods to save water.

Irrigation Water Analysis: This analysis prevents the healthy growth of plants and the accumulation of toxic substances in the soil and toxicity problems. Expert agricultural engineers in the field will help you to benefit from the most appropriate source by analysing irrigation water.

  1. Modern Agricultural Techniques

Mechanisation and Use of Technology: Tractors, harvesters and other agricultural machinery can save labour and increase productivity. Agricultural engineers will guide you in the correct use of these technologies.

Digital Agriculture: Sensors, drones and other digital technologies used in agriculture can enable you to better monitor and manage your crops. And you can get support from agricultural engineers on the integration of these technologies.

Strategies for Coping with Climate Change…

  1. Climate Resilient Plant Species:

Seed Selection: By selecting plant species and varieties that are resistant to climate change and have high adaptability, crop loss can be minimised and higher yields can be obtained.

  1. Modern Irrigation Techniques:

Drip Irrigation: The drip irrigation system ensures efficient use of water and delivers the water needed by the plants directly to the root zone.- Sprinkler Irrigation: By choosing this method, you can save water by meeting the water needs of plants with controlled water use.

3. Soil Management and Protection:

Organic Substances: By increasing the organic matter content of the soil with organic matter support, you can increase the water holding capacity and productivity.

Tillage: You can prevent erosion and protect the structure of the soil by using appropriate methods in tillage.

  1. Farm Management Plans:

Risk Management: You can create insurance and risk management plans against extreme weather events.

Plant Pattern Diversification: By planting different crop varieties, you can prevent a single crop from being affected by adverse weather conditions.

  1. Use of Information and Technology:

You can receive training and counselling: You can receive training and consultancy from agricultural engineers and relevant institutions on climate change and adaptation strategies.

You can utilise digital technologies: You can make your production planning by following climate data and weather forecasts.

Dear Farmers…

In this guide we have prepared for you, we have brought together the basic issues and strategies that you should pay attention to in order to achieve success in agricultural production. Combating climate change, using modern agricultural techniques, following current information and technologies, benefiting from rural development supports and cooperating with communities will help you make your agricultural activity sustainable and efficient.

By cooperating with agricultural engineers, you can combine your knowledge and experience and enhance the quality and efficiency in agricultural production. This guide aims to support you to take more conscious and effective steps in your production processes. I wish you a bountiful harvest…

By Ece Yücel,

Agricultural Engineer, M.Sc. – Writer

About İsmail Uğural

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