Press release…
Thoughts sprouting in the Aegean spread all over Turkey…
EİB – GİK vision set an example for Young TİM…
For the first time in Turkey, within the Aegean Exporters’ Association (EİB); The Young Exporters Council (GİK), which started its activities for young people to become entrepreneurs and exporters, has carried out many projects based on sustainability, digitalization and innovation since its establishment in 2019.
Announcing that the Young Exporters Council (GİK) is a first in Turkey, Aegean Exporters’ Associations Coordinator Chairperson Jak Eskinazi emphasized their happiness for the establishment of Young TİM, two years after the GİK.
Eskinazi said, “We are proud of being an example for the establishment of Young TİM at the end of the two-year work of the GİK, established by the EİB, and in this sense, being an opinion leader to the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM). It is another vision for us that almost half of the EİB – GİK consists of our female exporters at a time when the inequality between men and women in business life in Turkey has widened. Both men and women are equally represented in the EİB – GİK. The secret and power of a sustainable economy; It is hidden in increasing the number of young exporters and bringing new generation skills into the workforce. EİB – GİK; It is an organization that is owned, supported and pointed out at the highest level by our Ministry of Commerce.”
“There are next generation representatives of companies that shape Aegean exports in our council. At EİB – GİK, our young people can learn about today’s trends such as digital transformation and sustainability, which form the basis of irreversible developments in all sectors, with programmes and trainings; develop their skills and skill sets. Thus, in the future, our Board of Directors will be formed by more equipped staff who have gained management skills in every field. With the common mind created by the new generation, we are taking stronger steps into the future,” Eskinazi added…