Press release…
Lorries loaded with Satsuma mandarines travelled to export…
The 2024/25 export season started for satsuma mandarin, which is a natural vitamin C store against colds in autumn and winter seasons.

Due to the start of the 2024/25 export season of satsuma mandarin, the ‘Satsuma Mandarin Export Season First Lorry Loading Ceremony’ was held in Seferihisar district of Izmir province.
Hayrettin Uçak, Chair of the Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association, who informed that Türkiye exported 576 million dollars of mandarine in 2023, stated that in 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry allowed the satsuma mandarine to be cut on 14 October 2024 and exported on 18 October 2024 after the inspection of the mandarine gardens and the control of the samples taken.
Emphasizing that they sent the first lorries to North Macedonia, Poland, Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the first day of the Satsuma mandarine export season with the presence of Izmir Governor Dr. Süleyman Elban, Uçak said, “I wish our producers and exporters a prosperous season. We would like to thank our Governor on behalf of all our exporters for sharing our excitement and always being with us exporters. There is a 10 percent decrease in our tangerine yield this season, but our product quality is suitable for export. We aim for a 10 percent increase in mandarine exports in 2024.”