Dried fig harvest season starts in Aydın region…

With the start of the harvest season in dried figs, the national fruit of Aydın province, the hopes of the producer soared. The first dried fig purchase ceremony of the season, traditionally organised by Aydın Commodity Exchange every year, was held. The dried figs, which were bought at 350 TL per kilogram last year, were bought at 700 TL this year, while the hike in fig prices, albeit symbolic, made the producer smile.
“70 thousand 174 tonnes of yield is expected”
Aydın Governor Yakup Canbolat, who announced that this year’s yield estimate is 70 thousand 174 tonnes; “Türkiye is the homeland of figs. The highest quality figs of the world and our country are grown in Aydın province and its districts due to its soil structure and climate. Fig is the first product of our province to receive an EU registered geographical sign. Approximately 16 thousand farmers are engaged in fig production. There are 161 fig warehouses and 159 fig enterprises established to enhance the added value of figs in our province. According to 2023 FAO data, our country ranks first in the world with 356 tonnes of fresh fig production. There are over 12 million fig trees in our country and 57 thousand hectares of production area. Our province has 60 percent of this area with 38 thousand hectares of fig production area. According to 2023 TURKSTAT data, 205 thousand tonnes of fresh figs were produced in our province, which corresponds to 57 percent of the country’s production. Our province ranks first in the country with its fig production.”

“Both colour and taste are very good”
Wishing the season to be auspicious, Aydın Commodity Exchange President Fevzi Çondur stated that the quality is good this year and said, “We are having a quality year. Our crops are very good both in terms of colour and taste, especially due to the prevailing wind being a gale. We are experiencing a quality year this year. I cannot say the same thing about the yield. The ministry has not yet announced the yield estimation studies. That’s why we can’t say it, but it seems that our yield will be slightly lower than last year.”
“When we look at exports, there is an export of 60 thousand 655 tonnes of dried figs so far. As Aydın region, we meet 75 percent of this amount,” he added…