Press release…
Ferhat Gürüz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association, stated that they increased the tempo in the “Fresh Fruit Vegetable and Citrus Cluster Development of International Competitiveness Project.”
Pointing out that the Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association, which carries out the coordination and secretariat services of the Turkish fresh fruit and vegetable sector, also achieves multi-faceted studies in order to provide effective solutions to the problems experienced in both production and exports, Ferhat Gürüz said that the tempo increased in the Fresh Fruit Vegetable and Citrus Cluster Development of International Competitiveness Project, which was implemented in order to raise the competitiveness of member companies in international markets.
Highlighting that they carried out “Target Market and Customer Finding” training with the participation of 42 companies in the UR-GE project “Development of International Competitiveness Project” Ferhat Gürüz explained, “The Target Market and Finding Customers’ training, which is among the prominent demands in the needs analysis report of the companies included in the project, attracted great interest. Within the scope of our project, which aims to open up to new markets and ramp up the share of the Turkish fresh fruit and vegetable sector in general exports, it was aimed to provide a different perspective to the representatives of the participating companies. During the training, theoretical information was given on topics such as competitive intelligence in export marketing, target market and customer finding techniques, preparation of target market matrix and studies were carried out on practical examples.”
Noting that they continue their efforts to boost the demand for the export products of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector in the international market, Gürüz added, “For this purpose, we continue to hold meetings with sector stakeholders to make evaluations before the citrus season.”