Press release…
Ankara – 28 May, 2020 – Union of Turkish Agricultural Chambers (TZOB) President Şemsi Bayraktar, in his written statement, said that natural disasters continue to pursue the farmers and natural disasters affected the agricultural production in 46 provinces in this month.
Stating that between 15 May and 25 May, after the extreme temperatures were seen, then natural disasters such as precipitation, frost, hail, hoarfrost, extreme cold, storm and whirlwind occurred, Bayraktar said, “Sudden weather change that took place only in 10 days in almost all regions caused a disaster.”
Pointing out that farmers struggling with natural disasters and other difficult conditions continue to provide food security for the country, Bayraktar noted, “In the last years, the natural disasters that have been experienced due to the effects of climate change make our farmers unable to continue production. Our farmers who produce under these conditions, deserve all kinds of support. ”
Underlining that sudden temperature change or extreme hot and extreme cold in all products are not covered by TARSİM (Agricultural Insurance Pool), Bayraktar explained, “According to the projections made, sudden temperature increase and sudden temperature changes will continue to be experienced in our country. For this reason, parcel-based yield insurance should be implemented and these risks should be included within the scope of TARSİM until the yield insurance is initiated. ”
Bayraktar continued as follows:
“Credit debts of our disaster victimized farmers should be postponed for one year without interest.
Although most of our farmers, who experienced such disasters this year, have received insurance and paid premiums, will not get compensation. The farmer has to pay the insurance premium, despite he incurs income loss due to the damage he has suffered. Support payments should be made to farmers in this situation.
Our Governorships should provide assistance from the Provincial Emergency Support Grant to our farmers who experience disasters and sustain losses.
Metropolitan Municipalities should help farmers who suffer from disaster.
SGK (Social Security Institute) premium payments, electricity and irrigation debts of our farmers in disaster areas should be postponed for one year. ”