More than 1 million seabirds die each year due to plastic waste.
Every year, 381 million tons of plastic waste is generated in the world!
While the use of plastic is increasing rapidly with the pandemic, the life of all living things is negatively affected. According to the report published by Greenpeace, Turkiye has become the largest plastic waste dump in Europe and the destruction caused by plastic waste in nature has been the subject of discussion. While 381 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated annually, only 9% is recycled and around 8 million plastic waste is dumped into the oceans every day.
The coronavirus pandemic, which has influenced the whole world, has negatively affected life in all areas, as well as triggered the increase in plastic waste. Due to months of restrictions and health concerns, the trend towards disposable bags and containers has surged.
While 50% of the 381 million tonnes of plastic waste generated in a year worldwide is used only once, more than 1.3 billion tonnes of waste is expected to be dumped into the oceans and then landed in the next 20 years. As stated in the latest report by Greenpeace, Turkiye stands out as the new host of wastes generated in Europe, after some countries ban the export of plastic waste.
According to Eurostat data, while 659,960 tonnes of plastic waste came to Turkiye in 2020, this number has soared by 13% in the last year. While Turkiye is at the top with 13.7 million tonnes of plastic waste imports, India comes second with 2.9 million tonnes.