Press release…
Muratbey once again stamped USA…
World brands came together at IDDBA Fair…
Guiding the development of innovative products with Turkey and cheese in the world Muratbey, as it works to increase exports continue to promote their products and to participate in international fairs.
In this framework Muratbey participated in the International Dairy Deli Bakery Fair (IDDBA) in New Orleans, USA with its traditional products as well as its innovative ones.
“We will launch vitamin D products in USA”
Hamit Erol, Muratbey Board Member, indicating that Muratbey cheese much appreciated in this country. He also said, “We are sending our innovative products to USA like burgum, sürmeli and topi which are very popular in Turkey. This year, we have launched our enriched vitamin D products at the IDDBA Fair. We will be the solution to the problem of vitamin D deficiency which is proved by researches with our Muratbey Misto and Plus family products. ”
Stating that they have managed ro reach more points in the US market year on year, Hamit Erol said. “We presented different tastes and indispensable products for healthy life with our unique cheese produced with our innovative approach. We aim to reach more countries by the end of the year by establishing the right connections in the IDDBA Fair and improving our bilateral relations in line with our export growth targets” he added.
Digital works in full swing…
Muratbey Board Member Hamit Erol emphasized that they continued their digital activities for international marketing activities without slowing down. “We have created international social media accounts within the scope of our branding and globalization strategies abroad. We are in constant interaction with Muratbey lovers all over the world. We connect with our consumers through our social media accounts. We have carried out in Turkey as a national brand and aim to increase our contribution to boosting our share of exports with all the work and the country’s economy.” he explained…