There is a well-known rule in the economy that “If you can’t measure, you can’t manage.” It is also used in business life. In a sense, it also refers to inventory management or asset management.
So what is there and what is at hand, it is necessary to know this very well. A clear example of this is the census. What is the population of the world or Turkey, what about the number of sub-sections of the population, thus demographic structure of a country with such questions is demonstrated in detail. Here, ‘Agricultural census’ is also an issue to be addressed for the same systematic.

BIG PICTURE IMPORTANT – The last agricultural census was held in 2001 in Turkey. It’s been a long time like 20 years ago. So we absolutely need this kind of work.
Because a lot has changed in 20 years. Of course, there were also many shortcomings and mistakes, but I am one of those who think that the works done in general is more positive. In other words, important projects have been realized in agriculture (crop production + livestock), food and forestry sectors. For example, I think that 18 billion dollars worth of agricultural and food exports remain below the existing potential, but I also welcome the fact that Turkey is selling 1827 items of agriculture and food to 193 countries. In addition, increases in both crop and livestock production continue. But it’s time to put the whole picture on the table.

NUMBER OF FARMERS – Let me give a very concrete example. Union of Turkish Agricultural Chambers’ (TZOB) figures do not match with the state’s official records (FRS; Farmer Registration System). Let it be, there are serious differences. Of course, we see many different elements here. We do not know the number of farmers exactly due to inheritance problems, job abandonments, land disputes, etc. However, determining the number of real farmers will shed light on the future of Turkish agriculture. By the way we also need to know the number of women farmers. This is also important. For example, the recent agriculture census in the USA revealed an increase in the number of women farmers. However, inventory activities carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry exist too. Contrary to what is known, the Ministry has large-scale statistical figures and data obtained over the years.

SHOULD BE DONE FIRSTLY – Let’s sit crooked but talk straight. Such sayings that what mowed and cultivated or how many machines there are across Turkey are not known, there is no any data, are not realistic. All of these are valued, but as I have emphasized above, the expression of the whole picture is significant. Let me say without going into much detail, the agricultural census must be done. All data on Turkish agriculture should be presented in the most up-to-date and concrete information. Despite all structural and cyclical problems, the big picture will tell us the strength and performance of the Turkish agriculture, food and forestry industry, even if it is far below the potential.

İsmail Uğural,

Administrator of website – http://www.turkishagrinews.com

About İsmail Uğural

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