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Are seed oils harming consumers?

Recently, seed oils have been the target of some criticism. What does the scientific data say about this?

Seed oils have been used in the production of food and beverages and sold directly to consumers for decades. During this time, there has been little concern about production patterns or potential health effects. Until the recent controversy!

Dr. Paul Saladino

How did the reaction start?

According to an article published on FoodNavigator.com, the source of the controversy over seed oils is a doctor and carnivore diet advocate named Paul Saladino. Saladino was interviewed by Joe Rogan in 2020 on his extremely popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. During the discussion, Saladino made various claims about the negative health effects of vegetable and seed oils. After this programme, the reaction against seed oils started.

So are seed oils really unhealthy?

Dr Raysa El Zein, Nutrition and Dementia Researcher at the University of Westminster, said that despite claims of toxicity, seed oils are largely safe and beneficial when used in moderation. “Although refining removes the most harmful substances, it also reduces beneficial antioxidants,” Dr. Zein says.

How are seed oils produced?

Seed oils such as sunflower, rapeseed, corn and grape seed are extracted from plant seeds using very high heat, chemical solvents and intense pressure. After extraction, the oils undergo further refining processes to increase stability and extend shelf life. While these processes give the product a longer shelf life and stabilise it so that it does not burn at high temperatures, they also bring some disadvantages.

One of these disadvantages is the reduction of beneficial compounds such as antioxidants, polyphenols and phospholipids. While these disadvantages reduce the favourable health consequences of seed oils, they do not have direct negative health consequences.

Dr. Raysa El Zein

Another major negative associated with seed oils is the claim that they contain toxins. However, many of these compounds, such as pollutants and heavy metals, are removed during refining. “The amount that remains is too small to be harmful to humans,” adds Dr Zein.

Reusing of seed oils…

There is one major area of concern among researchers and nutritionists and that is the reuse of seed oils. The main problem with these oils is that some fast-food outlets reuse them to cut costs.

Highlighting that the main problem with these oils is that some fast-food establishments reuse them to cut costs, Dr. Zein warns, “After reuse and reheating, trans fats can form in the oil, which increase bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol. However, most health and safety regulations prohibit the reuse of oils in food businesses.”

Source: gidahatti.com

About İsmail Uğural

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