Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı stated that they will continue to work until the last drop of their strength to add value of Turkish tea.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı came to the Black Sea province of Rize for a series of programmes and visits. Minister Yumaklı attended the meeting programme with Agriculture and Tea Sector Representatives held in the Commodity Exchange building.
Indicating that the yield per decare has soared, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı said, “We always say everywhere that there is both a sociological side and an economic side related to tea, where 70 percent of Rize province is engaged in tea farming. Therefore, we will be with you in all kinds of problems and problems related to the production of this product, which is limited to only 4 provinces.”

Pointing out that Çaykur, the State Tea Enterprises, is an important brand that has achieved this, Yumaklı explained, “It produces tea. It creates by-products and intermediate products from tea and is an important brand. It is not enough alone. We really need to create brands that will open to world markets and we need to strengthen them. Fresh tea production has surged by 72 percent in the last 22 years. Yield per decare was 66 percent. Again, the increase in dry tea production was 100 percent.”

Emphasizing that the quota per decare will be applied as 600 kilograms, Yumaklı added, “Now, of course, both Çaykur’s and the private sector’s purchases have risen as production has risen in this past period. For example, the purchase of the private sector has risen 3 times. It is very important to invest in this sector. As you know, Çaykur has 49 factories. One of them is a packaging factory. There are 135 processing factories in the private sector. Now, the product taken by Çaykur in the first shoot is approximately 213 thousand tonnes. In the second shoot 279 thousand tonnes. The third shoot will start in a few days. Here, I would like to state that the quota per decare will be applied as 600 kilograms.”