Ege (Aegean) University (EÜ) Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Lecturer Professor Dr. Yusuf Kurucu stated that due to climate change, salinity in the soil has increased day by day, especially since 2010 and this has negatively affected agriculture. Dr. Kurucu said, “Türkiye needs to switch to undercover farming as soon as possible to adapt to climate change.”

Highlighting that soil chemistry is very important, Dr. Kurucu explained, “There is a vertical tissue in the soil that we call structure. This is formed in very long years. There are trillions of spaces in the soil for vertical water to move. As the structure deteriorates, the water nutrition of the soil decreases and as the nutrition decreases, the structure continues to deteriorate. This is the most dangerous thing. Even if the rain returns to normal, very serious labour and machinery are required to restore the soil structure.”

“If both the chemistry, physical properties and vitality of the soil are lost, crop production will become impossible. Large orchards will become weak pastures. When we can no longer produce here, the alternative will be production in greenhouses. In order to adapt to climate change, Türkiye needs to switch to undercover agriculture as soon as possible. At the moment, the European Union is doing serious work in terms of turning all strategies in this direction and we need to do the same.”