Press release…
The 11-month exports of the cereals, pulses, oilseeds and products sector, which covers basic food products, especially biscuits, wheat flour, pasta, vegetable oils and sugary and cocoa products, were announced as 10.8 billion dollars. A total of 12.4 million tonnes of exports were made in this period when the average export prices per kg soared by 1.7 percent to 0.87 dollars. While the share of wheat flour in total cereal exports decreased to 22.6 percent in terms of tonnage, the share of pasta exports in the overall sector increased to 10.8 percent. Realising 48.7 percent of Türkiye’s agricultural exports in the 11-month period, cereal producers sold the most goods to Iraq, the USA and Syria.
‘Our 11-month cereal export to the USA is 583 million dollars’
Ahmet Tiryakioğlu, Chairman of the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM) Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Sector Board, evaluated the tariff practices in the USA, which has a 5.4 percent share in the country’s cereal exports and assessed the possible effects of the Trump era on global food trade as follows;
“As the world’s largest importer, the practices in the US, which has been shown as the role model of free market economies until today, will change all habits in global trade. An important feature of the USA is that it is also a leading exporter of foodstuffs and processed food products. As an important centre for food trade, the USA will impose a 25 percent customs duty on Canada, one of its major suppliers of agricultural products and the US market will be an area where competition will increase for all food exporters in the world. As the cereals sector, we exported 583 million dollars to the USA in the first 11 months. We exported sugar and sugar products and pastry products the most. In order to ramp up this performance, members of our Sector Board are carrying out promotional activities for the leading supermarket chains, wholesalers and suppliers in the USA.”
“At this year’s Americas Food & Beverage Show in Miami, our Associations sought ways to increase trade with the entire American continent. Different components of our food sector also represented Türkiye at the Summer Fancy Food Fair in New York this year. During this fair, the distinguished products of our food sector continued to be promoted within the scope of the Turkish Tastes project with the Turquality support of the Ministry of Trade. With the contribution of these initiatives, we want to raise the share of the cereals sector in our trade with the USA,” Tiryakioğlu said.
‘Food is the only sector with a spike in new orders and production’
Pointing out that food was the only sector where new orders increased in November according to the Sectoral PMI survey announced by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Tiryakioğlu added, “ISO data shows that the new business volume in our sector increased strongly in November as well and food is the only sector that has seen a spike in production as well as new orders. Along with this positive data, it is seen that the highest increase in input costs is also in food manufacturing. We are trying to manage this mobility in both demand and supply processes in a balanced manner. The ongoing wars in our region also have a significant impact on pricing in certain product groups. We closely follow all developments concerning our companies at home and abroad.”