Press release…
The 12-month export revenue of the cereals, pulses, oil seeds and products sector, which continues to be the export leader in Southeastern Anatolia of Türkiye by realising 29.5 percent of the total exports of the region, exceeded 3.4 billion dollars.

The share of the region, which exports the most in the country in the field of cereals, was 28.8 percent in the overall sector. Total exports exceeded 1 million tonnes and the revenue obtained from pasta, which ranked first in the exports of the sector, was 608 million dollars, while the total exports of sunflower oil, which ranked second, was 515 million dollars. With these data, the share of the Southeastern region in Türkiye’s total pasta exports approached 65 percent and the share of sunflower oil exports approached 57 percent. Exports to Iraq, which ranked first in exports, decreased by 6 percent to 1.15 billion dollars, while Syria ranked second with an increase of 13.9 percent and a share of 8.2 percent.
‘We are the leading sector in the region and the leading region in the sector’
Celal Kadooğlu, Chair of Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters’ Association, pointed out the central importance of Southeastern Anatolia, one of the main agricultural product production centres of the country, in terms of Türkiye’s food trade.

“As the most exporting sector in Southeastern Anatolia and the most exporting region in terms of cereals sector, we have a strategic importance in the country’s trade with its border neighbours. With the commercial connections we have established, we not only help to obtain foreign currency income, but also to establish strong relations on behalf of our country’s presence in the region. Last year, 20 percent of the total exports of 10.7 billion dollars from our country to Iraq belonged to the cereals sector and 53.6 percent of the sectoral exports of 2.1 billion dollars were made from the Southeast,” he said.
“Similarly, looking at the data in terms of our trade with Syria, it is seen that the share of the cereals sector was 34.1 percent in 2024, while the share of the Southeast in the sector was 54.6 percent. The initiatives of our food brands make a great contribution to the development of cultural and regional ties that our country has established with the local communities in the Middle East and Africa,” he added…