Press release…
Aydın Pine Pistachio, which was applied by Aydın Commodity Exchange, has been announced in the European Union
Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Çondur stated that the works on the promotion and protection of agricultural values specific to Aydın province have yielded successful results and made a statement about the announcement of Aydın Pine Pistachio in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Çondur also stated that they continue to work devotedly on the European Union geographical indication in line with the goal of promoting and protecting the agricultural values of Aydın province in the international market.

“Our Commodity Exchange, which has provided the registration of Aydın Chestnut and Aydın Memecik Olive Oil in the European Union and is waiting for the completion of the registration process of Aydın Memecik Olive, has now taken another important step with the announcement of Aydın Pine Pistachio in the Official Journal of the European Union. After the completion of the three-month objection process, Aydın Pine Pistachio will be entitled to receive the European Union registration certificate,” Çondur said.
Finally, Çondur thanked Huriye Özener, the geographical indication consultant who devotedly carried out all the processes of Aydın Pine Pistachio in the European Union Commission, Dr. Burak Erdem Algül, Lecturer at the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Adnan Menderes University, Professor Dr. Muhammed Zeki Durak, President of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) and everyone who contributed.
“I wish it will be beneficial to our province and our country,” Çondur added…