Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / Kadri Gündeş: Türkiye’s black olive exports reached 136.7 million dollars

Kadri Gündeş: Türkiye’s black olive exports reached 136.7 million dollars

Press release…

August, 2024

Black olive exports reached 136.7 million dollars…

In the 10-month period of the 2023-24 season, Türkiye ramped up its table olive exports by 15 percent from 152 million dollars to 175 million dollars. In the same period, table olive exports decreased from 84,749 tonnes to 65,325 tonnes in terms of quantity.

M. Kadri Gündeş, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters’ Association, reported that in the 10-month period of table olive exports, which started on 1 October 2023, black olive exports were 136 million 735 thousand dollars and 39 million 59 thousand dollars of foreign currency income was obtained from green olive exports.

Kadri Gündeş

Giving information about the countries that stand out in table olive exports, Gündeş said, “In Türkiye’s olive exports, Germany ranked at the top with a demand of 43.1 million dollars, including 35.5 million dollars of black olives and 7.6 million dollars of green olives, while Iraq demanded 29.3 million dollars of Turkish olives, including 24.4 million dollars of black olives and 4.9 million dollars of green olives.”

“Romania followed these countries with 18 million dollars worth of exports,” Gündeş added…

About İsmail Uğural

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