Press release…
After olive oil, curd dessert, gummy gum cookies and karadiken, which are included in the cuisine of Ayvalık, which is branded with its seafood, appetisers, gastronomy, olive oil and olive oil dishes, Ayvalık Basket / Kelle (head) cheese is now geographically marked. The geographical indication application made by Ayvalık Municipality was approved. In the past months, Ayvalık toast was also registered as a traditional product too.
Following the geographical indication granted to olive oil in the past years, Ayvalık Mayor Mesut Ergin stated that they are happy that curd dessert and then gummy gum cookies have also been approved for geographical indication by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and said that each of the products identified with Ayvalık are valuable brands.
Pointing out that they are trying to protect these products unique to Ayvalık with the registration of geographical indication, patent and local product registrations of the products that the people of Türkiye’s renowned western olive oil producer district of Ayvalık have been consuming for centuries and Ergin said, “Thus, the commercial volume of our district will develop further with these products. Production areas related to these products will increase. With the increase of these areas, new business doors will be opened in terms of employment.”
“The export route of these products registered in Ayvalık region will also be opened and thus we believe that they can make serious economic contributions to our city,” Ergin added…