Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / Turgay Türkyılmaz: We follow anchovy fishing with quota from sea to counter

Turgay Türkyılmaz: We follow anchovy fishing with quota from sea to counter

Turgay Türkyılmaz, General Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, announced that they have determined landing points in every region of Türkiye, whoever wants will not be able to land wherever they want and their teams will work in those regions.

Turgay Türkyılmaz

Türkyılmaz stated that they exchanged views with sector representatives while making regulations in this area and said that with the new regulation they made, a production planning was created for both hunting and aquaculture.

Reminding that approximately 275 thousand tonnes of anchovy was caught last year, Türkyılmaz said, “This corresponds to 63 percent of the total amount obtained from fishing. We need to make this sustainable. For this reason, we also included anchovy in production planning.”

Pointing out that sustainability and the competitiveness of the country were also taken into account when determining the fish species within the scope of production planning, Türkyılmaz said that the regulation will be reviewed every year and necessary updates will be made.

Highlighting that anchovy is at the focus of the production planning practice, Türkyılmaz explained, “The annual catchable amount of anchovy within the scope of the quota application was determined as 400 thousand tonnes. All of this amount was allocated to vessels that can do this fishing. We have allocated the amount they can catch to each ship. The ships know the quota amount that belongs to them and they will be able to fish up to this amount. In this context, the anchovy quota of a 12-metre vessel was determined as 260 tonnes per year. For large ships, this amount can reach up to 2 thousand tonnes.”


“Quota control will be carried out”

Türkyılmaz indicated that a vessel applying for anchovy fishing this year will not lose this right for next year, and emphasised that fishermen do not need to worry about this issue. Türkyılmaz reminded that fishermen will not have any problems if they do not reach the determined quota amounts.

Reporting that they carried out inspections to control the quota amount determined in anchovy and continued his words as follows:

“We have determined landing points in every region of the country in anchovy fishing, whoever wants will not be able to land wherever they want and our teams will work in those regions. The ship will enter how many tonnes it has caught that day through the navigation system. This information will be sent to our friends in the shelters. As soon as the ship goes ashore, our friends will issue a transport document about how much that ship has caught. They will go to the sales places with the transport document. Therefore, we have put forward a system that has ensured the traceability of anchovy from hunting to sale.”

About İsmail Uğural

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