İbrahim Akkurt, who broke new ground in the livestock sector in Türkiye’s northeastern province of Ağrı, is growing rapidly to meet the demands from all over the country by breeding in the ostrich farm he established on the foothills of Mount Ararat despite the harsh climatic conditions of the region.

İbrahim Akkurt, who lives in Yılanlı village of Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı province, established an ostrich farm on the foothills of Ağrı Mountain in 2021 on the advice of his friends in order to bring a new breath to animal husbandry in the region and contribute to the regional economy. Akkurt, who produces 159 ostriches in the farm, which received an approval certificate from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry in 2023, emphasised that the feather, skin, meat and eggs of the ostrich provide separate income and stated that his goal is to increase the number to a thousand.
This innovative project initiated by İbrahim Akkurt, who said that they are trying to keep up with the demands from all over Türkiye, contributes to the economy of the region and offers the people of the region an example of a sustainable animal husbandry model other than traditional animal husbandry.
Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Mehmet Hüseyinoğlu, who said that the business owner was successful in the way he entered to exhibit a different production, stated that they will support him as the provincial directorate.

“In 2023, our provincial directorate gave an approval certificate to the Solar Ostrich Farm. We are realising one of the exceptional productions here. Ostriches are animals that we have all heard of and watched in documentaries, but our producer has started this business to exhibit a different production and continues successfully. There are currently 159 ostriches in the enterprise. Among these, there are ostriches fed for both breeding and broiler purposes. The length of the ostriches varies between 2 and 3 metres. Their feathers, skin and meat are very valuable,” Hüseyinoğlu added…