Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı stated that the ministry’s work on ancestral (heirloom) seeds continues and that 37 types of ancestral seeds registered so far have been taken under protection in gene banks.

Minister Yumaklı also said that agricultural production should be increased through efficient production.
Emphasising that 97 kilograms of every 100 kilograms of products used in Türkiye are produced in this country and that seed producing companies have written a success story, Yumaklı used the following expressions:
“If we plan our agricultural production by taking into account all kinds of issues related to market conditions and climatic conditions, if we take into account all kinds of issues related to water, we will feed our population, which is simulated to exceed one hundred and five million in 2050, as well as around one hundred million visitors to our country. We will also produce the largest part of our country’s largest income-generating, foreign currency-generating items as agricultural production.”

Pointing out the importance of seed, Yumaklı added, “Our success in seed is not limited to domestic national seeds produced by our own companies. Our Ministry continues its work on ancestral seeds at full speed. Approximately 37 types of ancestral seeds have been registered so far. These have been taken under protection in our gene banks.”