Home / Farming / Grains and Pulses / WHEAT PRODUCTION TO EXCEED 20 MILLION TONS…


While average rainfall across Turkey between October 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020, takes place 6 percent below average, it showed significant changes in different regions. According to the report of the National Grain Council (UHK), the rainfall in question followed a balanced trend for wheat. This compared to last year by the impact of developments in Turkey was realized across the wheat area increased by 3 percent, while this rate to 10 percent on durum plantings output. In this period, fertilizer use increased compared to previous period due to the stable course of prices. According to the results of the report, this situation will bring a rise in yield. The average wheat planting area for many years in Turkey, 7 million hectares, while the average production amounted to 19.7 million tons. The report stated that this year wheat production will increase to 20.1 million tons with an increase of 2 percent.

Record of 12 years will be broken in barley…

According to the report, barley has been cultivated in areas ranging from 2.4 million hectares to 3.0 million hectares since 2009 and stated as follows, “Although the cultivation has increased regularly since 2017, barley cultivation has been made in an area of ​​2.9 million hectares with a significant increase in the last production year. The increase in barley prices has a great share in this increase. The production of barley has changed between 6.3 million tons and 7.9 million tons since 2009, depending on the change in the cultivation area and differences in climatic conditions.” Due to the increase in the economic value of barley, it is predicted that this year the production will increase to 8.4 million tons by breaking the record of the last 12 years with the increase of 4-5 percent in cultivation area. On the other hand. In the world, barley production is expected to decrease and prices will increase this year.

Oats use in industry boosted…

Oat, which has the highest fat content after cereals, stands out with its high nutritional value. The report revealed that the use of the product in baby food, biscuits and bread making has started to increase. In the last 11 years, it is estimated that oat, its cultivation area varies between 86 thousand hectares and 113 thousand hectares and the production varies between 204 thousand tons and 265 thousand tons, in this production year, in 112 thousand hectares 265 thousand tons will be produced.

Licensed warehouses can become an important tool…

In the report, pointed out that because of the pandemic process in many countries, even advanced supermarket shelves emptied but no food problem experienced in Turkey. Being one of strong agri-food countries as mentioned in the report has been effective. On the other hand, it was indicated that TMO (Turkish Grain Board) has a vital function in regulating the market and making sufficient stocks. According to the information in the report, TMO continues to sell wheat. TMO is expected to plan a much larger amount of stock in the coming period and make it a permanent policy. The report also emphasized that licensed warehouses are an important tool in this strategy and that the private sector should be included in this process in a planned manner.

Signals of deterioration in foreign trade…

In the report, it was underlined that foreign trade was adversely affected and the signs of deterioration in the foreign trade balance started to emerge due to the logistics problems that occurred. In the report, it is stated that all these bring about a global crisis concern in the agriculture and food sector and concluded, “The fact that more than thirty countries have restricted or prepared to export agricultural products has revealed the trend of increasing food prices worldwide. Although the start of the new harvest is expected to curb the price increase, wheat prices are currently around FOB 225 dollars/ton.”

About İsmail Uğural

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