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SPD President Yıldız: We throw the water away as much as Keban Dam storage every year.

The Water Policy Association (SPD) published a preliminary report investigating the footprint of the water we waste in food waste and losses. One of the former directors of DSI (State Hydraulic Works) and Water Policy Association President Dursun Yıldız made the following statement on the report:

“Many institutions have done many valuable works to prevent food waste in our country. Finally, at the beginning of this year, a very comprehensive and systematic study was initiated by the Food Waste Commission of İstanbul Commodity Exchange. As SPD, we thought of making a small contribution to this work in our area of ​​expertise for now. We plan to deal with this issue mainly as a project.”

Yıldız explained, “Our Board of Directors evaluates that the vortex of ‘consume more, throw away that you can’t consume’ that the society has got into is a system problem. However, we believe that efforts to raise awareness on this issue should be supported. For this reason, we have prepared a preliminary report on Bread and Food waste and tried to state that it is not only food but also our strategic water resources gone to landfills.”

“As of first findings, we concluded that 26.6 billion m3 of water was lost in our country with total food loss and waste. In other words, a quarter of the water we use in agricultural irrigation goes to the trash. This amount means that we discard the water with the loss and waste of food every year, as well as the volume of water stored in the Keban Dam. The amount of water we lose only by wasting bread is equal to the average water used by Istanbul in a year,” Yıldız added…

About İsmail Uğural

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