Required competencies of Veterinary Services in the context of international trade: opportunities and challenges…
Veterinary Services are essential to safeguard animal health and welfare and veterinary public health at national level. They are the basis for sanitary certification of animals and animal products intended for trade. The private sector, including farmers and industry, play an important role in partnership with Veterinary Services.
However, with globalisation placing increasing importance on animal health measures, many countries cannot access international markets as they are unable to control or eradicate important diseases that have an impact on trade. Better access to markets for all countries will only be possible through appropriate investments in Veterinary Services. Many plans to produce and/or export animal or animal products from developing countries have been thwarted by a lack of confidence in national Veterinary Services to provide the necessary official health certification and related ongoing sanitary assurances. Trust among trading partners is crucial throughout the entire trade process to support and sustain export markets.
Compliance with OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) Standards relating to trade and to the effective control of animal diseases in these countries would therefore assist them to access international markets, using the global trade system to effectively advance their national interests, in particular in terms of economic growth and poverty reduction. The OIE is currently reforming and strengthening its training system to better accompany its Members in the implementation of OIE Standards.
The OIE 2020 Technical Item report provides rich information summarising international trade regulatory framework and their implications for Veterinary Services currently engaged in or aspiring to expand activities supporting trade. An analytical framework is constructed, sources of intelligence identified, evidence gathered and prepared for analysis, and analytical findings used to develop recommendations that will improve delivery of programmes for the benefit of OIE Members.
Source: Turkish Veterinary Medical Association (TVHB)