This article cited from FreshTurkey Magazine…
First of all, let’s start to write with an interesting news. There is a following clause in the analysis made by the Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB): “Turkey where ranks number 1 in the world production of quince, lost the first place in exports to the Netherlands. Although it does not produce any quince, the Netherlands took the first place in 4 years out of 5 by exporting quince by packing and providing attraction to this product imported from various countries including Turkey and also using the marketin channels effectively.”
AGRICULTURAL LOGISTICS – In fact words express everything in a very meaningful way. So it is not only enough to produce anymore. Especially it is essential to use marketing and distribution channels in a very rational and efficient way. In this context the concept of ‘agricultural logistics’ keep increasing its importance day by day. In particular logistic applications in fresh fruit and vegetable sector will be on the agenda more and more from now on. While Turkey has a considerable potential in this field on one hand, it carries contradictions whose results are quite heavy on the other hand.
HUGE PRODUCTION – The amount of vegetable production rose to 30.8 million tons, fruit production also increased and reached to 23.6 million tons in Turkey. When we add these figures, we have a huge a production of almost 55 million tons. This result brings the fifth rank in the world. In other words, Turkey has a strong fresh fruit and vegetable production indeed. Whereas the scene on the other side of the table does not seem so lovely. Because the inadequacies experienced in production and product planning create serious fluctuations against producers adversely in terms of both the supply and demand which causes disadvantages from the producer’s point of view. In addition to this if we take a substantial amount of wastage and losses, it seems inevitable for Turkey to make an evaluation in this sector.
EXPORT SINE QUA NON – We also need to discuss how much of the 55 million tons of production is subject to export. The amount of exports does not reach 10 percent of total production. This is a big question. So what will happen if production increases much more in coming years? That is why it can be an absolute remedy to focus on exporting fresh fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile these efforts will stipulate the existence of new projects and schemes too on quality, innovation and R&D in production at the same time.