Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / TURKIYE; POULTRY AND PRODUCTS SEMI ANNUAL


Turkiye’s production of chicken meat in 2022 is projected higher, in large part because of anticipated
strong export demand from neighboring countries and China. Additionally, the uncertainty of Ukrainian
chicken exports to select Middle Eastern markets may also fuel increased demand for Turkish chicken
meat in these markets.

However, if local market conditions warrant, the Ministry of Agriculture & Forest (MinAF) may restrict chicken meat exports to ensure that there are sufficient, affordable supplies available to Turkish consumers. Meantime, rising input costs will continue tempering greater production gains and will put upward pressure on retail chicken meat prices. In response to these higher retail prices, consumption levels are expected to remain flat year-over-year.


In 2022, Post is raising its chicken meat production estimate by 7 percent to 2.4 million metric tons
(MMT), which is primarily due to stronger foreign demand for Turkish chicken products. The local
industry is reported to have the needed breeding stock and capacity to increase production. While rising
input costs will temper production gains, producers expect to offset some of these costs with higher
export margins. At the same time, some producers are seeking government support to help cover some
of these higher input costs.

In 2021, Turkiye produced 2.24 MMT of chicken meat, up 4 percent year-over-year due to stable export
demand. In 2020, Turkiye produced 2.14 MMT of chicken meat.

While the number of slaughtered chickens has hovered near 1.2 billion for the last several years, yields
have increased. The increase in yields, which have contributed to increases in overall production, are the direct result of genetic improvement of breeding stocks. Most of the improved genetics, like day-old chicks, are imported.

Table Eggs:

Unlike broiler operations, laying hen facilities are mostly unintegrated and located close to bigger city centers. The population of laying hens has stayed flat in the last few years around 121 million because of high production costs and restrictions on egg exports to Iraq. Interestingly, while layer numbers have stayed steady, table egg production has contracted slightly as growers are holding on to their birds longer to avoid higher feed costs associated with younger layers.

In 2021, Turkiye produced 19.3 billion eggs, which is 2.4 percent less than the previous year due high
input prices, especially feed, and the closing of the Iraq export market in April 2019.

In 2019, after Iraq and Saudi Arabia closed to table eggs from Turkiye, domestic egg prices dropped, and
egg producers were under pressure to sell an oversupply of eggs in the domestic market below the
production price.

Source: www.usda.com/fas

About İsmail Uğural

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