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“Türkiye needs an Agricultural Products Market Regulatory Authority”

An ‘Umbrella organisation’ proposed for cereals…

The report prepared with the initiative of the Grain Suppliers’ Association (HUBUDER) revealed that agricultural employment has halved in 20 years. In the report, Türkiye’s disadvantages are listed as fragmented land, migration, water scarcity and input costs and it is suggested to establish an “Agricultural Products Market Regulatory Authority”.

İsmail Kemaloğlu

While this year’s grain purchase prices of the Turkish Grain Board (TMO) are a matter of curiosity, harvest started early in some regions due to climate change. The Grain Suppliers Association prepared a report titled “Issues Threatening Türkiye’s Grain Supply Security and Solution Suggestions” with the contributions of Professor Dr. Zeki Bayramoğlu, Dr. Kemalettin Ağızan and İsmail Kemaloğlu. In the report, while the shrinkage of land, water scarcity, rural migration, input costs are listed as Türkiye’s agricultural disadvantages, it is stated that agricultural employment has decreased from 7 million people to 4.5 million people in the last 20 years.

Dr. Zeki Bayramoğlu

Reduced costs, enhanced efficiency…

The report recommends the implementation of the “consolidation of management” model for fragmented, scattered and out-of-scale lands, stating: “A new contractual production approach, which has been applied in some regions of Anatolia in the past years, whose methods and principles have been determined, whose supervision and control can be carried out and in which the farmer can easily be included in the system, should be implemented. In this system, the farmer does not have to become a partner of a company or give his/her land. It should be aimed to ramp up yield and quality by means of a contract based on yield sharing with those who are still farming, a long-term leasing contract with those whose land is empty and a co-production approach in inputs and outputs with those who work with the leasing/partnership method.” According to the calculations of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, it was pointed out that with the effective implementation of this model, a minimum 20 per cent reduction in costs and a 25-30 percent increase in productivity could be achieved.

Dr. Kemalettin Yağızan

The report also pointed out that the “Agricultural Products Market Regulatory Authority” should be established as an umbrella regulatory body that will manage the supply and demand balance in all agricultural markets, including meat and milk, grain and feed products, with a holistic approach and include agricultural regulatory institutions under its roof. It was also stated that income protection insurance should be used effectively to compensate for increasing climate and market risks.

Discrimination against durum wheat…

In the report, it was also suggested that positive discrimination should be made for durum wheat in regions such as Southeastern Anatolia, Mediterranean and Central Anatolia, where irrigated agriculture is practised and alternative crops can be grown and that the cultivation areas should be expanded: “Although the production of durum wheat in the international market is limited, we are the country that can produce the highest quality wheat in the world. We can boost the export potential of the pasta industry with domestic wheat as well as export opportunities without incurring duty losses.”

By Meltem Güneş,

Source: milliyet.com

About İsmail Uğural

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