Home / Agricultural Economy / Agroforestry / “TURKEY HAS BEEN INCREASING ITS FOREST ASSETS SINCE 1980s”


Professor Dr. İbrahim Turna, Lecturer of Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), Faculty of Forestry, said that Turkey has been trying to increase its forest assets since 1980s and these efforts are appreciated.

Dr. Turna said, “Turkey’s forest assets have been gradually increased from 1980s to the 2000s.”

“Millions of saplings are planted every year, increasing these forest areas and improving degraded forest areas. This is not a random process. These studies are carried out by the works of the General Directorate of Forestry, which is an 181-year-old organization,” Dr. Turna noted.

“We provide technical information required to be done in world forestry not only in Turkey as our forestry faculty. If we are going to establish an orchard, you will not plant pine trees there. But you cannot plant fruit trees everywhere,” Dr. Turna added.

About İsmail Uğural

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