Home / Mechanization and Technology / Biotechnology / “THIS FACTORY WILL ENABLE TURKEY TO PREVENT ENZYMES IMPORT”


Turkey’s first domestic industrial enzymes factory was launched on Friday with an aim to produce industrial enzymes used in the production of flour and fructose syrup with the local and national facilities by focusing on food safety at the first stage.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank said biotechnology is one of the emerging technologies that have significant effects on many sectors.

“We are talking about technology that is directly related to nanotechnology, genetics and material fields,” he said.

This factory will enable Turkey, now 100% foreign-dependent for enzymes, to prevent their import, he added. Turkey spends $150 million per year for the import of many different enzymes.

“In five years, we can meet 90% of this amount with the increase of capacity in our country,” Varank said.

He also added the outputs in the field of food, agriculture and animal husbandry, medical, chemical, and environmental biotechnology has enormous growth potential.

“The future of pharmaceuticals lies in biotechnology, as the rate of biotechnological drugs in the world has reached 30%,” he explained.

In this field, which has a very high share in global R&D expenditures, there is a fierce race in the world, Varank said, concluding Turkey is aware of the increasing importance of biotechnology.

About İsmail Uğural

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