Press release…
An important potential in value-added exports by branding…
Cahit Doğan Yağcı, Chairman of the Aegean Furniture Paper and Forest Products Exporters’ Association, said that there are over 3,500 endemic plants across Turkey where the export of leading crops such as laurel, oregano and rosemary are made.
“In Turkey we have a serious potential in terms of these crops that we share with relevant institutions and organizations in the United States. These products have become a considerable source of raw material supply suc as paint, food, textile, leather, energy, medicine, alternative medicine and so on along with direct consumption,” Yağcı said.
“It is important for us to be able to export value added by branding at the point of consumption for food purposes,” Yağcı noted.
“Thanks to our Turquality project, we aim to promote our industry in the US much more effectively, to increase our brand value and thus our added value and to expand our market,” Yağcı added…