Home / Mechanization and Technology / Soil Management / THE AMOUNT OF SOIL EROSION TO BE REDUCED TO 130 MILLION TONS…


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli has made written statement on combating activities of the Ministry regarding desertification and erosion…

In Turkey, desertification and erosion control carried out in the years 2011-2018. Within the scope of these works 327 implementation projects achieved.

Pakdemirli said: “Such projects comprise of overall upper basin flood control, dam basins in the green belt plantations, avalanche control, landslide hazard maps, integrated watershed rehabilitation, with rocks and stones rolling general soil conservation, afforestation and wildlife corridor projects.”

We aim to reduce the amount of soil transported by erosion to 130 million tons…

Emphasizing that Turkey, just after China and India, is the third country with the highest afforestation rate in the world, he concluded: “In terms of our present activities, during 1970s in Turkey, with the amount of soil removed by erosion per year was 500 million tons, but as a result of afforestation and erosion control studies, afforestation of dam basins, improvement of rangelands, prevention of overgrazing, and application of advanced irrigation technologies in agricultural areas, this figure was reduced to 154 million tons as of 2018. As of 2023 target, measures to be taken in forest and pasture areas are aimed to be reduced to 130 million tons.”

About İsmail Uğural

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