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"Caring for soils: measure-monitor-manage" "United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future" 'Better Production - Better Nutrition' 'Cold Chain Financing Support Programme' 'DigiGreenFoodValley' 'Fairness for Farmers' 'Gorgeous' food waste 'Grown for a Bin' 'Healthy nutrition for everyone' 'Hunger hotspots' 'Iğdır Şekerpare' 'just grow it' 'Nature Positive' 'Ocean' 'Only One Earth' 'Orange Hands Agricultural Development Cooperative' 'Organic Day' 'Our Actions Are Our Future' 'Skewed on weight' 'Smart Agriculture Country' 'This Is Your Mind on Plants' 'Turkish Coffee Lady 'Turkish Coffee Tales of Anatolia' 'Turkish Cotton Standard' 'Volunteer Final Harvest Project' 'We are farmers' 'We Are Tasting the Harvest' 'White gold' 'White gold of Kastamonu' 'Worldwide Branding of Turkish Coffee Culture" "16. International Ayvalık Olive Harvest Festival" "Alo 174 Food Line" "A Soil Deal for Europe" "Avşar Kars Tandır" "Bee Engaged" "Join hands for our lands" "Nursing Baby' project "We will be in governance" 'Agriculture Rising with Young People' 'Balıkesir - City of 50 Cheeses' 'Balıkesir - City of Bread' 'Cooperatives build a better world' 'Doner Point' 'Food that isn't food' 'OLIVEtoLIVE' 'Ultra-Processed People' 'Yellow Pearl' 1 June 2020-World Milk Day 1 June World Milk Day 1.5 degrees of warming 1st June World Milk Day 3D printing 3rd National Dairy Congress 3rd Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit 5G Smart Agriculture Project 6th International Poultry Meat Congress 7 June World Chocolate Day 7th Sustainable Food Summit 7th İstanbul Carbon E-Summit 8th International Muğla Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress 12th Development Plan 14 women heroes 18 sectors altogether 20 May Happy World Bee day 22 May International Biological Diversity Day 29 September as the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 40 lorries dispatched per day 47th Apimondia Congress 50 million units of Avocados 55th International Algiers Fair (FIA) 63rd International Raisin Conference 252 million saplings 2016 Paris Agreement 2020 Global Food Crisis Report 2020 payments to farmers 2021 - The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 Global Report on Food Crises 2025 International Year of Cooperatives A. Bahri Erdel A. Fikret Kileci A. K. Singh ABACO Group Abalıoğlu Yağ Abalıoğlu Yem Abalı Sunflower Oil Abandoned agricultural lands Abattoirs in EU countries Abdellah Srour Abdolreza Abbassian Abdulhafiz Heni AbdulHakim Elwaer Abdullah Buğrahan Karaveli Abdullah Eligüzeloğlu Abdullah Kombo Abdullah Melik Abdullah Çatal Abdullah Özdemir Abdullah Ünlü Abdullah İnanç Abdullah Şenol Abdulmecid Tebbun Abdulvahap Olgun Abdülhamit Can Abdülkadir Emin Önen Abdülkadir Külahçıoğlu Abdülvahap Olgun Abebe-Haile Gabriel Abhishek Malaviya Abubakar Kyari ABÜDER Accelerating Zero Hunger Access to finance Access to food Ace Aquatec Achieving SDG2 Activated carbon from shells Active substances Adam Kay Adam S. Posen Adana Adana Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons Adana Farmers' Association Adana Farmers Association Adana flavours Adana kebab Added-value export Added value in agriculture Additional income to region Adel Alb Adel Fakhir Adem Kurt Adem Murat Yücel Adem Sömer Adil Karaismailoğlu Adil Tek ADM Adnan Sömer A drop of water Adulteration Adulteration and imitation in food Adulteration in olive oil Adulteration in sunflower oil Adulteration with malt sugar Advancing Eco Agriculture Adıyaman Chamber of Agriculture AEA Aegean agri-food exports Aegean agricultural exports Aegean agricultural product exports Aegean Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing Inc. Aegean agrifood exporters Aegean AGROLAB Aegean Cereals Pulses and Oil Seeds and Products Exporters' Association Aegean cotton Aegean Dried Fruit and Products Exporters' Association Aegean Dried Fruits and Products Exporters' Association Aegean exporters Aegean Exporters' Assocaitions Aegean Exporters' Association Aegean Exporters' Association (EİB) Aegean Exporters' Association Coordinator Chairman Jak Eskinazi Aegean Exporters' Associations Aegean Exporters' Associations (EİB) Aegean Fisheries and Animal Products Exporters' Association Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association Chairman Hayrettin Uçak Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Chairman Hayrettin Uçak Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Chairman Aegean Furniture Paper and Forestry Products Exporters' Association Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters' Association Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters' Association Aegean Region Aegean region's agri-food exports Aegean region's exports Aegean region's fresh fruit and vegetable exports Aegean region's confectionery exports Aegean region's dried fruit exports Aegean region - world's agrifood warehouse Aegean Region Chamber of Industry Aegean Region Leather Industrialists' Association Aegean Tobacco Exporters' Association Aegean University Faculty of Agriculture Aegean Young Exporters Aeroponics AfDB Afforestation and reforestation Afforestation in Turkey Afforestation in Turkiye Aflatoxin Aforestation Africa's agriculture Africa's food security Africa's geothermal industry Africa's geothermal potential Africa Emergency Food Plan Africa Food Safety Congress African agriculture African coffee farmers African Development Bank African hot weather African Union African women farmers Africa saw steepest price hikes Afyon Buffalo Yoghurt Afyon cream Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry Afyonkarahisar gherkin Afyonkarahisar Sewage Waste Treatment Facility Afyon kebab Agbiz Aghasi Harutyunyan Agmatix Agnes Toth Ag prices Agrarco Agri-finance Agri-Fintechs Agri-Food Agri-food chain Agri-food heritage systems Agri-food industry in Mexico Agri-Food sector Agri-Food System Agri-Journalism Agri-machinery Agri-robotics Agri-tech innovations Agri-trade of EU countries Agri Benchmark Agribusiness Agricultural and nutritional autonomy Agricultural and rural development Agricultural aviation in Brazil Agricultural banking Agricultural biotechnology Agricultural brand value of İzmir Agricultural census Agricultural commodities Agricultural commodity markets Agricultural commodity prices Agricultural consultancy Agricultural consultants Agricultural cooperation Agricultural cooperation between Türkiye and Mexico Agricultural cooperatives Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Türkiye Agricultural credits Agricultural damage payment Agricultural Development and Women's Cooperative (DEMETER) in Yüksekova Agricultural Development Cooperatives Agricultural digitalization Agricultural digitalization in Africa Agricultural diversity and farming culture Agricultural drone industry Agricultural drones Agricultural drought Agricultural e-commerce Agricultural ecosystem Agricultural Enterprise Registration System Agricultural enterprise typologies Agricultural exports by countries Agricultural exports of Turkiye Agricultural exports of USA Agricultural extension Agricultural finance Agricultural forestry Agricultural heritage Agricultural incentives Agricultural income Agricultural Information System Agricultural innovation Agricultural input price index Agricultural input prices Agricultural insurance in Turkey Agricultural insurance in Türkiye Agricultural Insurance Pool Agricultural insurance premium Agricultural inventory Agricultural irrigation Agricultural irrigation market in Brazil Agricultural journalism Agricultural Journalism in Türkiye Agricultural journalists Agricultural land Agricultural land allocation in South Africa Agricultural land leasing Agricultural land market Agricultural lands Agricultural lands belonging to Turkish Treasury Agricultural lands in China Agricultural lands in Kazakhstan Agricultural lands in quake regions Agricultural loans Agricultural machinery in Konya Agricultural machinery in Türkiye Agricultural management Agricultural Market Information System Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) Agricultural mobilization Agricultural Organized Industrial Zones Agricultural output Agricultural output in EU countries Agricultural plains of Turkiye Agricultural planning Agricultural prices Agricultural prices in Türkiye Agricultural production Agricultural production by water Agricultural production chain Agricultural production in Samsun Agricultural production in Turkey Agricultural production in Türkiye Agricultural production planning Agricultural Production Registration System Agricultural product prices in Türkiye Agricultural products and food may not be available with money in crises Agricultural Products Market Regulatory Authority Agricultural protectionism Agricultural reserve of EU Agricultural revolution Agricultural schools in Türkiye Agricultural show Agricultural SME Loan Agricultural subsidies Agricultural Support and Steering Committee Agricultural support model in Türkiye Agricultural support payments Agricultural supports Agricultural supports in Turkiye Agricultural supports in Türkiye Agricultural technologies Agricultural Technologies and Mechanization Department Agricultural Think Thank Farm-Europe Agricultural trade in EU countries Agricultural Writers SA Agricultural Writers SA Awards (AWSA) Agriculture Agriculture-based industry Agriculture-based specialized organized industrial zones Agriculture-Industry Integration Agriculture -PPI Agriculture 5.0 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Statement Agriculture and earthquake Agriculture and ecology Agriculture and Forestry Council Agriculture and geopolitics Agriculture and heat stress Agriculture and Human Values Agriculture and innovation Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK) Agriculture Based Specialized Organized Industrial Zone Agriculture by water Agriculture census Agriculture Council (Shura) Agriculture Council of TOBB Agriculture education Agriculture financing systems Agriculture Forestry Academy Agriculture in accordance with water Agriculture in Aydın province Agriculture in Black Sea region Agriculture in Brazil Agriculture in Canada Agriculture in Egypt Agriculture in Europe Agriculture in Finland Agriculture in Germany Agriculture in India Agriculture in Kazakhstan Agriculture in New Zealand Agriculture in Nigeria Agriculture in Ordu province Agriculture in Paraguay Agriculture Insurance Pool-TARSIM Agriculture in the Netherlands Agriculture in Ukraine Agriculture in Venezuela Agriculture in Çeşme district Agriculture is backbone of Indian economy Agriculture is important Agriculture Journalist Association of India Agriculture market Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar Agriculture nationalism Agriculture Producer Price Index Agriculture rises with young people Agriculture robots Agriculture sector in Iran Agriculture Week Agriculture with high nature value Agrievolution AGRIEVOLUTION Alliance Agrifood fairs Agrifood in Brazil Agrifood industry waste Agrifood system Agrifood Venture Hub Agrimachinery Agrimetre AGRIO Agrio Finans Agripreneurship Agrisolar systems Agritech Agritechnica Asia Agritourism in Bodrum Agriultural input prices AgriVirtual Fair Agrivoltaic solar energy system Agro-based industries Agro-drones Agro-Food industry in Turkiye Agro-industry in India Agro-industry in Kazakhstan Agro-library in Uşak Agro-tourism agROBOfood Agro drones Agroecology AgroExpo Agroexpo İzmir Agroforestry Agroforestry Coalition AgroLidya Agromey Agronomic Trial Management system Agrotech Agrotech India Agro technology AgroTOD Agrovisio Agrovista Agtech AHBİB Ahmet Akbuğa Ahmet Altubay Ahmet Antalyalı Ahmet Bağran Aksoy Ahmet Bilge Göksan Ahmet Bolat Ahmet Can Ahmet Canbeyli Ahmet Canlı Ahmet Dursun Şahin Ahmet Dündar Ahmet Emin Kilci Ahmet Ergün Ahmet Ertürk Ahmet Eyyüboğlu Ahmet Gelir Ahmet Göksan Ahmet Güldal Ahmet Güneş Ahmet Hacıince Ahmet Hamdi Gürdoğan Ahmet Kaya Ahmet Kaymaz Ahmet Onur Öztürk Ahmet Sait Tütünci Ahmet Saltık Ahmet Tiryakioğlu Ahmet Turan Karaca Ahmet Ultav Ahmet Vehbi Bakırlıoğlu Ahmet Volkan Güngören Ahmet Wheat Ahmet Yavuz Karaca Ahmet Çetin Ahmet Ökdem Ahmet Öksüz Ahmet Şeref Gümüş AI AI-based robots AI applications in farming aid-in-kind Aidarbek Saparov Aiguang Peng AI in agriculture Air cargo and freight charges Airponix Solution AI technologies AI tools AJAI Ajay Banga AKAMİB Akan Akmeşe Akay Ünal Akdeniz University Fisheries Faculty Akdeniz ÜPAK Akdi Pollen Akhilesh Jain Akhisar Akhisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Akhisar Commodity Exchange Akhisar Olive Harvest Festival Akhisar Olive Oil Licensed Warehouse Akif Çağatay Kılıç Akinwumi Adesina Akkaraman Sheep Breeding Project Akkuş beans AKP's agricultural policy Akyatan Lagoon AKİB Akın Çiftçi Akşehir Lake al-Sayed al-Quseir Alaettin Şenel Alanya Alanya Avocado Producers Association Alanya Chamber of Agriculture Alaras Telecommunications Alarko's greenhouse investments Alarko's tomato production Alarko Agriculture Alarko Food Industry Alata Horticulture Research Institute Alaşehir Chamber of Agriculture Alaşehir Commodity Exchange Albatur Alberto Garzon Albert Stegemann Alcoholic drink consumption in Turkiye Alessandro Malavolti Alexander Tkachov Alexandre Marie Alex Aspacher Alfa (Tohum) Seed Alfalfa production in Türkiye Algeria's ban on oil Alhatoğlu cuisine Alhatoğlu Oil Alhatoğlu Olives Ali Bahar Ali Can Yamanyılmaz Alican Yamanyılmaz Alice Gower Ali Conn Ali Erikçi Ali Eroğlu Ali Fuat Gürle Ali Gümüşlü Ali Hamza Pehlivan Ali Haydar Gören Ali Kavak Ali Kopuz Ali Kıdnap Ali Kındap Ali Kırali Ali Kızıldağ Alinur Aktaş Ali Osman Kıyak Ali Peksüslü Ali Rıza Sarıkaya Ali Rıza Türker Ali Rıza Öner Ali Said Dolu Ali Tatar Ali Uçar Ali Yılmaz Diker Ali Çandır Ali İhsan Gezgin Ali İhsan Su Allanur Altyev All Dairy Meat and Cattle Breeders' Association All Milk Meat and Cattle Breeders' Association Alltech Almond Almond harvest in Adıyaman Almond orchard Almond orchards Almond production in Türkiye Alok Sharma Alparslan Bayraktar Alpaslan Çakar Alpaslan Özgüçlü Alper Alhat Alper Eriten Alper Faruk Güngör Alper Kalaycı Alper Taban Alptekin İlgün Alp Önder Özpamukçu Alsera Geothermal Alternative meat products Altınmarka Altıparmak Gıda Alucra Oğlak (Kidling) Kebab Alvaro Rodriguez Alyssa Mcmurtry Amangaly Berdalin Amazon forests a member of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce (İZTO) Agriculture and Livestock Commission and veterinary surgeon Gürhan Karaçaylı American agriculture American Farm Bureau Federation American farmers dumping milk American Rescue Plan Act Amik Plain A milestone in the way of planned agriculture Ammonia production Amphibious airplanes Amy McCarthy Anadolu Etap Analysis frequency Anamur Chamber of Agriculture Anatolia Anatolia homeland of agriculture Anatolian bee products Anatolian cuisine Anatolian Hard Red Milling Wheat Anatolian Hard Red Wheat Anatolian Honey Bee Anatolian IOOC Anatolian propolis Anca Popa Ancestral seeds Anchovy Anchovy consumption Anchovy exports increase from Turkey Anchovy fishing quota Anchovy massacre Anchovy production in Black Sea Andalusia Andrea Carrassi Andrea Horbelt Andre Brink Andre Eitner Andre Paula Santos Andrew Calabria Andrew Hoggard Andrew Morlet Andries Wiese Andy Zynga A new structure for Turkish agriculture Angela Atzori Angelo Di Mambro Ani Dasgupta Anieke Wieringa Aniko Nemeth Animal feed Animal feed cost Animal husbandry Animal husbandry in Erzurum Animal husbandry in Ordu province Animal husbandry in Türkiye Animal imports Animal Production Statistics Animal products Animal skins Animal waste Animal welfare Anise production in Turkey Ankara University Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Anna Boulova Anne-Rachel Inne Annemarie Straathof Annual inflation figures ANSEMAT antalya Antalya's agrifood exports Antalya's citrus Antalya's cut flower exports Antalya's fresh fruit and vegetable exports Antalya's pomegranate production Antalya's tomato production Antalya Agriculture and Forestry Directorate Antalya Agriculture Based Specialised Organised Industrial Zone Antalya Agriculture Council Antalya Anfaş Expo Centre Antalya Commodity Exchange Antalya Fish Forum Antalya Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Brokers' Association Antalya Piyaz (Bean Salad) Antalya Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Antalya Red Meat Producers' Association Antalya region centre of flower growing business Antalya Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association Antalya Tomato Vegetable and Fruit Index Antalya Wholesale Markets ANTBİRLİK Antep baklava Antep black grapes Antep Pistachio Licensed Warehouse Antep pistachios Antep Sugary Cheese Pastry ANTEXPO Anthony M. Rizzo Anti-dumping duty Antikas Olive Oil Antonio Guterres Antonio Samaritani Anuga Fair Anzer Ballıköy Anzer honey APAS Show Brazil APEDA ApexBrasil-Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency Apimondia Apimondia Congress in Ufa Apimondia Federation Apple exports from Karaman Apple exports from Kayseri province Apple farmers Apple harvest for New Zealand Apple harvest for South Africa Apple production Apple production in Niğde province Apple production in Türkiye Applied Capability and Digital Transformation Centres Applied Farmer Schools Appropriation funds Apricot Apricot harvest Apricot kernel exports Apricot prices Apricot production in Iğdır province Apricot production in Malatya Apricot seed Apricot sorting machine APİMAYE Aquaculture Aquaculture exports from Aegean region Aquaculture in Gümüşhane Aquaculture Producers Central Union of Turkey (SUYMERBIR) Aquaculture production Aquaculture production in Muğla Aquaculture production in the world Aquaculture production in Türkiye Aquaculture products Araban District Chamber of Agriculture Arab Coordiantion Group Arabica Arabica coffee A raw material linked to petrol prices Arda Cenk Tokbaş Ardahan Goose Arda Türkmen Argentinian INTA Ariel Guarco Arif Abalı Ariyef Daryanto Arkhe Agriculture Arman Badur ArmaTrac Armola festival Aromatherapy Aromatic Plants and Spice Producers' Association Aroma type hop Aronia Aronia farming Aronia Feasibility Report and Investor Guide Aronia production in Gümüşhane Aronia production in Samsun Aronia production in Yalova province Arpa Lombardia Arsin Chamber of Agriculture Arslan Kaya Arslan Soydan Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence and agriculture Artificial intelligence and digitalisation Artificial intelligence in agricultural irrigation Artificial intelligence in agriculture Artificial meat Artificial Pasture Project Artificial reefs Art of Food Arturo Fernandez Arvid Tuerkner Arzum Okka ASD ASEAN states Ashure Ashwin Gohil ASHİB Asia's crop yields Asia-Pasific Woman Entrepreneur Award Asia Fruit Logistica Fair Asia Pasific Seed Congress 2026 Aslı Elif Tanuğur Samancı Aslıhan Denge Aslı Pasinli Asparagus Assan Foods Assan Foods Chairman Ali Kibar Assen Vassilev Asset-Backed Securities Asset Backed Securities (ABS) Assitol Associate Professor Dr. Canan Acar Associate Professor Dr. Mustafa Çiftçi Association of Agriculture and Food Ethics Association of All Restaurants and Suppliers Association of Baklava and Dessert Producers Association of Ecological Agriculture Organisation Association of Mill and Sector Machinery Manufacturers Association of Packaged Water Producers Association of Poultry Meat Producers and Breeders Association of Vinegar Producers (SirkeDer) Associations of Aegean Exporters Astral Foods Astrid Lulling ASÜD Asım Suyabatmaz Ata Bread Atakan Akça Atatürk Dam Atatürk Horticulture Research Institute Athanassios Molassiotis Atila Ertem Atıf Malkoç Aubergine and pepper production in Gaziantep - Oğuzeli Audrey Azoulay Auguste Kouame Australian grape vines Australian red wine Authorized Food Consultancy Automatic catering machines Automatic steering system Average age of African small holder farmers Avocado productionAlanya Avocado production in Alanya Avocado production in Antalya Avocado production in Turkey Awareness Day of Food Loss and Waste Aydoğan Okur Aydın Acun Aydın Akyüzlü Aydın Artichoke Aydın Chamber of Agriculture Aydın Commodity Exchange Aydın Memecik Olive variety Aydın Pehlivan Aydın Pine Pistachio Aydın Yıldırım A Year of Hope Ayhan Bakan Ayhan Barut Ayhan Karabulut Ayhan Köse Aykut Boz Aykut Göymen Aykut Özüner Aylin Kalafatoğlu Aylin Çağlayan Özcan Aylin Çelik Aylin Öney Tan AYMSİB Ayrancı district Aysun Aras Aysun Uygun Aytekin Yıldız Ayvalık Ayvalık's olive oil Ayvalık's Kelle cheese Ayvalık's olive trees Ayvalık Chamber of Commerce Ayvalık International Olive Harvest Festival Ayvalık Municipality Ayvalık olive oil Ayvalık olive oil brand Ayvalık toast Ayşe Ayşin Işıkgece Ayşe Bakkurt Ayşegül Selışık Ayşe Yılmaz Ayşe Önen Özoğuz Ayşin Işıkgece Azime Kadooğlu Akbulut Azra Galvaniz Baba Kuruş Baba Sha'd Baby booms Bafra plain Bafra Çarşamba and Veziköpri plains Bahadır Açık Bahadır Balkır Bahadır Başaran Bahri Dağdaş Baibars Mechatronics Aviation Bait traps BAKA Bakery waste Baki Remzi Suiçmez Baklava BAKTAD Balanced Nutrition Education Project BALDER Balkans Balkan Seed Workshop Ballast waters Balparmak Baltalı Gıda Banana and strawberry production in Reyhanlı Banana E-Workshop Banana museum Banana production in Adana Banana production in Alanya Banana production in Anamur Banana production in greenhouse Banana production in Hatay region Banana production in Turkey Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Banned pesticides Ban of single-use plastics Ban on fishing Ban on food exports Ban on olive oil exports Baraa Alsasa Baran Bozoğlu Barcelona Seafood Fair Barem Barilla Foundation Barista Bariz Mehdiyev Barkodtürk Barley and wheat prices Barley production in Turkiye Barley production in Türkiye Barren agriculture in Konya Barter operations Barış Kocagöz Barış Samim Nesimioğlu Barış Saylak Barış Önal Base price BASF Corporation Basin-Based Support Model Basque Culinary World Prize BATEM Batuhan İnanlar Batı Polimer Baumann Bayburt honey Bayer Bayer Crop Science Division BAİB BBC Good Food Award BCCT BCWP 2023 Beata Javorcik Beata Ptaszyńska-Jedynak Bedri Girit BEE'O products BEE'O propolis BEE&YOU Bee bread Beef trade in China Bee hives Beekeepers Beekeepers in Manisa province Beekeeping Beekeeping Action Plan Beekeeping Development-Application and Research Centre (AGAM) Beekeeping in Batman region Beekeeping in Konya Beekeeping in Siirt province Beekeping in Albania Bee Pasture Bee products Beet production in Sivas province Beewax Beewise Begüm Mütüş Behavioural Economics Being in short supply Being self-sufficient in agriculture Bekir Başevirgen Bekir Karacabey Bekir Pakdemirli Bekir Yücel Tanrıkulu Belgin Doğan Aslan Bel Karper Bell peppers of Tarsus Benard Okata Benchmark Chicago Bendevi Palandöken Benefits of Blue Economy BENEO Bengisu Özenç Benjamin Addom Ben Payton Berat Albayrak Berat Güzelel Berat İnci Bereket Doner Bergama Agricultural Industrial Zone Berk Noyan Berlin Conference of Agriculture Ministers Berna Akyüzlü Bernard Hien Bernhard Krüsken Berrak Birgili Berrin Bal Onur Bertan Balçık Bertie Huggett BESD-BIR BESD-BİR BESTMER Beth Bechdol Better cotton Better Cotton Initiative Better cotton practises Better Cotton Practises Association Better Cotton Standar Better Cotton Standard System Better Cotton Standart Beşler Agro Beşler Group Big Data Big data analytics Big data and Indian agriculture Bilgehan Ramazan Caner Bill Gates Bingöl honey Bingöl University Bio-methane Bioceres SA Biodegradable waste management Biodiesel production Biodiversity Biodiversity (BD) Strategy Biodiversity in agriculture biodiversity loss Biodynamic agriculture Biodynamic farming Bioeconomy Biofach Biofach Organic Fair Biofuel Biofuel production Biofuels Biogas Biogas production Bioinputs Biomass energy Biomass energy plants Biorefinery policy Biotechnology Biotem Bird flu Birol Celep Birol Küle Birol Çınar Bitter chocolates Bitter medicine Blackberry exports Blackberry production in Siirt Black cumin exports Black cumin production in Uşak province Black fig exports Black fig produciton Bursa Black mulberry molasses Black rose Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute Black Sea Cereals Pulses Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association Black Sea corridor Black Sea Deal Black Sea grain corridor Black Sea Grain Deal Black Sea Grain Initiative Black Sea grains Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters' Association Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters' Association (KFMIB) Black Sea Hazelnut Exporters' Association Black Sea region's fruit and vegetable exports Black sea salmon Black Sea wheat prices Black sesame Bladk and greed olive production in Akhisar Blueberry Blueberry production in Antalya Blueberry production in Türkiye Blue crab production in Adana Blue Economy Bluefin tuna fish Bluefish Blue Gediz Action Plan Blue Gold Blueing the Black Sea Global Environment Facility Project (BBSEA GEF) Blue Tunnel Bodrum Bodrum Mayor Ahmet Aras Bodrum tangerine Boerenbusiness BO H. Holmgreen Boiled milk Bolu's Buffalo Cream Bonito Bonito fishing Bonito production in Türkiye Boran Uzun Borden Dairy Borek; traditional Turkish pastry Boris Johnson Borja Santos Porras Bornova Mayor Bornova municipality Bornova okra Borsakarası Botanical diversity in Turkish honey Botanical research Botanic Expo 2026 İZMİR Bovine and ovine animals in Türkiye Bovine and ovine slaughtering Boxed olive oil Bozdoğan Pita Branding in olive oil Brasilian agribusiness exports Brazil's agricultural production Brazil's agrifood exports Brazil's corn exports Brazil Dry Beans and Sesame Seeds Brazilian agribusiness Brazilian agribusiness exports Brazilian Agricultural Aviation Operators Brazilian agriculture Brazilian exports to China Breadbasket of Europe Bread consumption in Turkiye Bread flour Bread price Bread waste Bread waste in Turkiye Breakfast buffet Breakfast chain markets Breath For the Future Campaign Breeding animals Breeding eggs Breeding heifers Breedx Brent Gloy BRICS BRICS Grain Exchange Bridal dessert British Chamber of Commerce in Turkey British farmers' protest British farming British Farming Awards 2021 Brooklyn Bugs Bryan Acheampong BSYD Buckwheat production in Gümüşhane Buckwheat production in Ordu region Budget justification Buffalo cream and yogurt Buket Sakmanlı Apaydın Bulgaria's total grain harvest Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture (MinAg) Bulghur bulghur and pasta production Bulghur pilav Bulghur production in Gaziantep Bulghur quota to the EU Bulgur Promotion Project Bulk and barreled olive oil Bulk olive oil Bumblebee production in Antalya Bumblebees Bunge Burak Akbulut Burak Dağlıoğlu Burak Gresinli Burak Hucuptan Burak Karabucak Burak Koçak Burak Kırkgöz Burak Tan Burak Öz Burdur's Poppy Halva Burger King Burhan Akyılmaz Burley tobacco harvest in Şebinkarahisar Burley tobacco production in Giresun Burley type tobacco Burp tax Bursa's cuisine Bursa Agriculture Fair Bursa black fig Bursa cherries Bursa chestnut candy Bursa döner Bursa Gastronomy Festival Bursa Gemlik olive Bursa peach Bursa İnegöl's 'Cerrah Kuru Fasulye' BurTarım Buse Berber Örçen Bushel Bush fires Butter Butter and yoghurt production in Turkiye Butter export ban Butter production in Türkiye Butter shortage Buttery Buyer beware Buying farmland BUYSAD Byas Anand Bülent Canatan Bülent Tunç Bülent Uçak Bünyamin Arslan Bünyamin Kozak CACCI CACFish Cafer Aşkar Caffeine molecule Cage-free hens Cage fishing Cahit Doğan Yağcı Calabrian pines Californian worms Callaghan Innovation Cambridge Econometrics Camel breeding in Somalia Camelina CAN Canadian farm income Canadian farm operators Canadian farm sector Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı Candy Siekmann Caner Akıncı Caner Dikici Can Erim Can Hakyemez Cannabis production in Turkey Canola Canola farming in Thrace region Canola meal Canola production in Edirne province Canola production in Tekirdağ province Canola seeds Cao Derong CAP Capital city of Turkish tea Caprification Carbon-free economy Carbon-neutral drink Carbon-neutral economy Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Carbon dioxide emission Carbon farmers Carbon farming Carbon footprint Carbon friendly production Carbon Market Action Plan Carbon neutrality Carbon pricing mechanism Carbon release Carbon removals Carbon Robotics Carbon sequestration properties Carbon sink Carbon tax on agriculture Carcass beef Carel Serfontein Carl Heinemann Carlos D. Garcia Carlos Favaro Carlos Mera Carnations and Christmas wreaths Carnegie Council Carnism Carole Seignovert Carolina Sanchez-Paramo Caroline Duivenvoorden Caroline van der Plas Carrot production in Hatay province Case IH Cash crop Cash Crop Network Cashew Cashew exports of Côte d'Ivoire Cash flow Cash grants to small businesses Caspian Agro Cassava Catering industry Catherine Ivanovich Catherine Saget Cattle Cattle breeding in Erzurum region Cattle inventory in China Cattle inventory in Turkey Cattle population of Kars province Cavendish bananas Cavendish variety Cavit Polat Cağırtlak Kebab CBI CBOT CCPI Cecile Berthier Celal Kadooğlu Celal Çay Celal Çağlayan Erguvan Celeste Saulo Celil Önder Türer Cellular agriculture CEMA Cem Başar Cem Ertal Cemil Pehlevan Cem Kınay Cemre Torun Cem Sağır Cem Yalvaç Cem Özdemir Cem Öztürk Cengiz Balık Cengiz Ülgen Cenk Eynehan Cenk Kaan Salihoğlu Cennet Polat Census of agriculture Centenary of the Turkish Republic Central Anatolia Central Anatolia Development Agency Central Anatolian Cereals Pulses Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association Central Anatolian Exporters' Associations Central Anatolian Ornamental Plants and Products Exporters' Association Central Anatolian Ornamental Plants and Products Exporters’ Association Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye Central Council of the Turkish Veterinary Medical Association (TVHB) Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE) Central Union of Beekeepers of Türkiye (TAB) Central Union of Egg Producers Central Union of Fisheries Cooperatives Central Union of Red Red Meat Producers of Türkiye Central Union of Sheep and Goat Breeders of Türkiye Central Union of Turkish Red Meat Producers Central Union of Turkiye Milk Producers Central Union of Türkiye Milk Producers Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes Cephalaria plant Cereal crops Cereal exports from Southeastern Anatolia Cereal output Cereals Cereals and pulses Cereal Suppliers Association Cereal Supply and Demand Brief Ceren Bozkurt Ceres2030 Certified Agricultural Consultant Certified seed production Certified seeds CESIS Cevdet Yılmaz Ceyda Bölünmez Çankırı Ceylanpınar Agricultural Enterprise Cezve Cezve coffee CFIT technology Chain markets Chairman of Black Sea Hazelnut and Hazelnut Products Exporters' Association İlyas Edip Sevinç Chairman of Tarsus Chamber of Agriculture Chairman of the Aegean Dried Fruits and Products Exporters' Association Chairman of the Board of Istanbul Grain Chairman of the Egg Producers Association of Ordu Province Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Chamber of Food Engineers Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons Charitable food Charles Brand Charles Michel Charlie O'Brien ChatGPT Cheese exports Cheese production Cheese production in Turkey Cheese Workshop Chef Seasons Chef Özlem Oğuzcan Chemical fertilizers Cheng Fang Chen Lev-Ari Cherry Cherry Harvest Festival Cherry production in Afyonkarahisar region Cherry production in Kemalpaşa district Cherry production in Manisa region Cherry production in Turkey Cherry production in Türkiye Chestnut candy Chestnut honey Chestnut production in Mersin province Cheyenne Kramer Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicken and turkey meat production Chicken doner kebab Chicken life Chicken meat Chicken meat production in Turkey Chicken meat production in Turkiye Chicken meat production in Türkiye Chickpea production in Denizli Chickpea production in Hakkari Chickpea production in Turkey Chickpea production in Türkiye Chickpea yield Child labour Child labour in cocoa farming Children in agriculture Children in poverty Child workers China's arable lands China's swine industry China's corn imports China's cotton production China's farming drones China Fisheries & Seafood Expo China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2023 China International Import Expo China International Import Fair 2023 Chinese agriculture Chinese dairy market Chios Chips from chickpeas Chocolate confectionery products Chocolate consumption Chocolate exports Chocolate industry Chocolate production Chocolate production costs Chokeberry Chookiat Ophaswongse CHP's agriculture and forestry committee Chris Armit Chris Gaunt Chris Hyde Chris Martin Chris Mccullough Chris Staff Christian Ehler Christiane Lambert Christophe Hansen Christophe Vermeulen Chris Van Tulleken CIFOR-ICRAF Cihan Uzun CIIE CIIE - China International Import Expo Circular agriculture Circular approaches Circular bioeconomy Circular economy Circular farm Circular food systems Circular solution Citrus Citrus prices Citrus Producers' Association Citrus production in Adana Citrus production in Muğla Citrus production in Nicosia Citrus production in Turkey Citrus production in Türkiye Citrus yield Clarified butter Clean energy Clean energy technologies Clean Food Group Clean tech Clearing Bank (Takas Bank) Climate-compatible Climate-resilient agriculture Climate-smart agriculture Climate-smart approach Climate action Climate Action Network Climate Action Plan Climate adaptation in fisheries Climate Change Climate change-related drought Climate change and beekeeping Climate Change and Beekeeping Project Climate change and drought Climate change and farmers Climate Change Conference (COP26) Climate change on cocoa beans Climate Change Performance Index Climate Change Strategy Climate crisis Climate crisis and women Climate emergency Climate Focus Climate friendly tractors Climate mitigation and adaptation Climate Policy Initiative Climate resilient Climate Resilient Forestry Project Closed irrigation Closed pressurised irrigation systems Cluster of Aegean Fresh Fruit-Vegetable and Products Exporters Co-incineration plants Co-operatives UK Coal mining in Milas district Coal prices Cobus De Bruyn Cocoa Cocoa beans Cocoa farming Cocoa prices Cocoa production in Ghana Cocoa production in Ghana and Ivory Coast Cocoa yields Coffee Coffee chain Coffee consumption Coffee consumption in EU Coffee consumption in Türkiye Coffee cultivation in Antalya Coffee cultivation in Turkiye Coffee drinkers Coffee farming Coffee harvest Coffee house Coffee prices Coffee production in Brazil Coffee production in Turkiye Coffee Turca Cold chain Cold chain in fruit and vegetables Coldiretti Collective farming model Colorants Commodities chaos hits Africa Commodity prices Common Agricultural Policy Compost Compost - don't trash Composting facility Compost production in Mersin Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Concerns in vegetable oil industry Cones Conscious farming Consume locally Consumer habits in Turkey Consumer health Consumer price index Consumer prices Container crisis Container farm Container farming Container plant factory Contracted beekeeping model Contracted Livestock Project Contracted production of hemp Contract farming Contract production Controlled Atmosphere Boxes Monitoring Environment Variables Project Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) Controlled food production Conventional transport Cooperatives in İzmir Cooperative system Cooperativism COP15 COP26 COP28 Copa-Cogeca Copa and Cogeca Copernicus Climate Change Service Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Coping with climate change Coralia Manzanilla-Pech Corey Rosenbusch Corn and rice Corn maze in Şile Corn Maze İstanbul Corn production Corrina Filipovic Cost in citrus production Cost of fertilizers Cotton Cotton consumption in Turkey Cotton cultivation in Şanlıurfa Cotton harvest Cotton harvester machine Cotton harvest in Bakırçay plain Cotton is drip irrigated in Dikili Cotton prices Cotton production Cotton production in Aegean region Cotton production in Australia Cotton production in Diyarbakır Cotton production in Kınık region Cotton production in Turkey Cotton production in Türkiye Cotton prodution in Şanlıurfa Cotton Road Event Cottonseeds Cotton subsidy Cotton trade Cotton trade of Turkey Cotton yield Countries in agriculture - forestry and fishing Country Land and Business Association (CLA) Covid-19 COVID-19 hunger relief efforts Covid-19 lockdown Cow's milk Cow-free milk Cow milk production in Türkiye Coşkun Dönmez Crayfish Creamy Creando Manana Cremona International Livestock Show Cris Baroro Crisis Response Initiative (CRI) CRISPR CRISPR-Cas9 Crispr edited wheat Cristel Zoebisch Cristobal Cano Crop-nutrient price surge Cropland Crop lists Crop management Crop production Crop production in Kazakhstan Crop production support model Crop production support payments Crop protection CropRadar Crop rotation Crop sensing Crops for the Future Crops to be sown Crop yield Cross-value collaboration Crow deterrent Crude sunflower oil Cucumber and jalapeno production Culinary innovation Culinary Products and Margarine Industrialists Association Cultivated acreage in sorghum grain and sorghum silage increasing in Europe Cultivated meat Cultivation areas Cultural heritage Cultured meat industry Culture fish Cumhur İşbırakmaz Curbing food inflation Curdled milk Custard fig (Sarılop) Cut flower exports from Antalya Cut flower production in Antalya Cut rag tobacco Cutting-edge technology Cutting back spending on restaurants Cyber physical technologies Cyberworks Robotics CY Group Czechia CÜD Cüneyt Başbakkal Cüneyt Doğan Cüneyt Örkmez D Dacian Cioloş Daday Daily energy intake as trans fats Daimund Jehle Daire Collins Dairy-free products Dairy-related terms Dairy barns Dairy business Dairy cooperative Dairy exports to China Dairy farming Dairy farming in New Zealand Dairy industry Dairy prices Dairy production in Türkiye Dairy products Dairy sector Damaged hives Damage in agricultural sector Damien O'Connor dams and ponds Dang Phuc Nguyen Daniela Battaglia Daniel Holmedal Danielle Nierenberg Daniel Sanchez Dan John Danny Annan DAP DAP Action Plan DAP fertilizer Dardanel's tuna fish Dardanel Gıda CEO Mehmet Önen Dardanel Seafood Company Dark chocolate Data-driven agritech Data-driven farming Data sharing Datça Dave and Karla Robison Dave Hodson David Baldock David Beasley David Bergvinson David Ndii David Stenkaer Ravnkilde David Thomas David Widmar Davut Davut Er Davut Çetin Dawie Maree DAİB DB Agricultural Energy Dean Foods Death Valley Debbie Wilkins Decarbonising agriculture Decline in rural population Decrease in rainfall Deep-sea fishing Deepak Ray Deep tech innovation Definition of healthy food Deforestation Deforestation in Amazon Deforested areas DEFRA Degradation Degraded forests Delice Demand too high Demeter certification Demir Şarman Deniz Ataç DenizBank Deniz Celep Deniz Kıraç Uncu Denizli Denizli Exporters' Association Denizli oregano Deniz Oruç Denmark's carbon tax Denmark cheese Dennis Voznesenski Dense housing Department of Agricultural Production Inputs Deposit-refund system Deprivation Derek Nighbor Derik olives Derya Pala Derya Yanık Desertification DESMÜD Destek Patent Develey Development of agriculture Development of International Competitiveness (UR-GE) project Development of International Competitiveness Project Development of International Competitiveness Project (UR-GE Project) Development of International Competitiveness Projects Development Reimagined Devrim Tutuş DFC Pet Diamonuim phosphate Didem Kökden Diesel and fertilizer subsidies Digital-twin technology in agriculture Digital agriculture Digital Agriculture Market Digital Agriculture Market (DİTAP) Digital Agri Mission Digital and green industrial zone Digital and green OIZ Digital Centre for Excellence for Agri-Food Heritages Digital cows Digital Data Panel of TGDF Digital economy Digital farming Digital farming management Digital footprint Digital Innovation Hub Digital investment in agriculture Digital irrigation Digitalisation Digitalisation in agriculture Digitalization Digitalization of small family farms Digital technologies in African agriculture Digital tools in agriculture Digital transformation Digital Transformation Group Digital transformation programs Digital water transformation Digital Water World Digitasing agriculture Digitilization in agriculture Digitising agriculture Digitization Dikili Agro-Industrial Zone Dikili TDİOSB Dilara Koçak Dilara Sarı Diminishing precipitation Dinar Dinçer Tatlıoğlu Director-General of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Direct seeded rice Direct trade between Türkiye and Cuba Disasters and crop losses Discounted prices Distance education Divle Obruk Cheese Diyarbakır Diyarbakır Commodity Exchange Diyarbakır watermelon Diyetisyen Demet Cerit DJI Agriculture DKIB DKİB DKİB's exports Dmitry Patrushev Do Good: Save Food DOKAP Doktar Doloresz Katanich Domat and Uslu brands Domat olive variety Domestic and National Seed Project Domesticated animals Domestic seed production in Türkiye Domestic sugar beet seed Dominique Burgeon Don't Choose Extinction Don't touch my olive Donna Hornby Donuk Bakery Products Dost Agropark Downsizing Doç. Dr. Behiç Tekin Doğan Solmaz Doğuş Çay Dr. Achim Dobermann Dr. Adnan Tülek Dr. Ahmet Bağcı Dr. Ahmet Yılmaz Dr. Ahmet Özken Dr. Ahmet Şahin Dr. Alejandro F. Diaz Palacios Dr. Altuğ Atalay Dr. Arttu Luukanen Dr. Aslı Elif Tanuğur Samancı Dr. Aslı Samancı Dr. Atilla Keskin Dr. Ayça Akça Uçkun Dr. Ayça Kaya Dr. Ayşegül Selışık Dr. Ayşe Özken Dr. Bekir Pakdemirli Dr. Bernhard Strauss Dr. Betül Öztürk Dr. Bülent Kahraman Çolakoğlu Dr. Bülent Şık Dr. Can Akçalı Dr. Canan Acar Dr. Can Fuat Gürlesel Dr. Christian Bunn Dr. Coşkun Şerefoğlu Dr. David Anderson Dr. David Perovic Dr. Davut Şirin Dr. Diana Onyango Dr. Driekie Fourie Dr. Durali Koçak Dr. Emel Damarlı Dr. Emine Sever Dr. Emma Naluyima Dr. Engin Ünay Dr. Erdoğan Güneş Dr. Erna Blancquaert Dr. Fatih Kılıç Dr. Fatih Seyis Dr. Fatih Şen Dr. Ferhan Savran Dr. Gamze Nur Müjdeci Dr. Georgy Falster Dr. Gesa Busch Dr. Güven Özdemir Dr. Hakan Başak Dr. Hilmi Güler Dr. Himanshu Himanshu Dr. Hümeyra Yaman Dr. Hüseyin Akdemir Dr. Hüseyin Düzgün Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan Dr. Jim French Dr. Jo Puri Dr. Juan Landivar Dr. Keith Dawson Dr. Kemalettin Yağızan Dr. Kenan Keskinkılıç Dr. Kenan Yalvaç Dr. Kibar Ak Dr. Kundhavi Kadiresan Dr. Laura Kavanaugh Dr. Lujain Alqodmani Dr. Mark Lyons Dr. Mark Welch Dr. Mehmet Aktaş Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Arslanoğlu Dr. Mehmet Hasdemir Dr. Mehmet Muş Dr. Mete Kömeağaç Dr. Mithat Direk Dr. Monique Eloit Dr. Morris Villarroel Dr. Muhammad Adnan Dr. Muhammet Angın Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev Dr. Murat Aşkar Dr. Murat Türkeş Dr. Murat Çakmaklı Dr. Mustafa Kan Dr. Mustafa Tan Dr. Mustafa Ünlü Dr. Mücahit Kıvrak Dr. Müge Ekizoğlu Dr. Nazan An Dr. Nazım Şekeroğlu Dr. Neil Tangri Dr. Nevzat Birişik Dr. Nomman Ahmed Dr. Nuray Şahinler Dr. Okan Ürker Dr. Orsolya Valko Dr. Osman Yıldız Dr. Peter Dazsak Dr. Pınar Nacak Dr. Ramazan Ayrancı Dr. Ravi Prakash Singh Dr. Raysa El Zein Dr. Rick van de Zedde Dr. Sadık Doğruer Dr. Safinaz Arslan Dr. Sat Kumar Tomer Dr. Seda Erdoğan Bayram Dr. Sedat Kalem Dr. Serdar Genç Dr. Serhat Harman Dr. Seyda Şahin Dr. Tahir Büyükakın Dr. Tayfur Akın Dr. Taylan Kıymaz Dr. Tevfik Türk Dr. Tolga Karaköy Dr. Tracy Ledger Dr. Tufan Turp Dr. Yakup Karaaslan Dr. Yelto Zimmer Dr. Yunus Kılıç Dr. Yusuf Serengil Dr. Zeki Bayramoğlu Dr. Zeynep Kalyoncu Atasoy Dr. Zeynep Lembet Dr. Çağatay Tavşanoğlu Dr. İbrahim Halil Sözmen Dr. İlhami Özcan Aygun Dragon fruit Dreams of Children Foundation Drew Lerner Dried and fresh dates Dried apricot exports of Turkey Dried apricots Dried Fig Board Dried fig production in Aydın province Dried figs Dried fruit exports Dried fruit exports from Southeast Anatolia Dried fruits Dried fruit workshop Dried lakes Dried tomato production in Diyarbakır Drinking water Drip irrigation Driverless tractors Drone Ag Drone farming Drones in agriculture Drones in Brazilian agriculture Drone technology in agriculture Drone technology in Pakistan's agriculture Drone use in agriculture of Iran Drone using in agriculture Drone using in Indian agriculture Drought Drought-resistant crops Drought-resistant wheat Drought and agriculture Drought and coffee production Drought and grape production Drought in Africa Drought in Black sea region Drought in Brazil Drought in Edirne Drought in EU countries Drought in Italy Drought in Kazakhstan Drought in Kenya Drought in Konya Drought in Konya plain Drought in Konya province Drought in Spain Drought in Thrace region Drought in Turkey Drought in Türkiye Drought Management Plan Droughts and heat waves Dr Paul Saladino Dry Beans and Special Crop International Summit Dry fig exports of Turkey Dry ice Dryings Drying trays Drying trays for dried figs Drying waterfalls Drying yard Dry weather conditions in Turkey DSİ Dubai Chocolate Dubai COP28 Dubai Gulfood Dubai Trade Attache Dumping milk Duran Seçen Durdu Akdağ Durian fruit Dursun Oğuz Gürsoy Dursun Yıldız Duru Bulgur Durum and bread wheat Durum wheat Dutch agrifood exports Dutch agrifood sector Dutch BoerBurgerBewegin (BBB) Dutch farmers Dutch Minister of Agriculture Dutch Quinoa Group Döner kebab Dündar Yalçın Düzce Provincial Directorare of Agriculture and Forestry DİTAP E-Agriculture Portal E-Commerce E-commerce in agriculture E-commerce platforms in Africa E-Commodity Bazaar Early harvest olive oils Earth Day 2021 Earth Overshoot Day Earthquakes in Türkiye Eastern Anatolia Development Project Eastern Anatolian Exporters' Association Eastern Black Sea Exporters' Association (DKİB) Eastern Black Sea Exporters' Associaiton Hazelnut and Products Sector Committee Eastern Black Sea Exporters' Association Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association (DKİB) Eastern Black Sea flavours Eastern Black Sea Region's exports Eastern Black sea region's honey exports Eastern Black Sea region fishery exports Eastern Black Sea Region Food Cluster Eastern Mediterranean Eating habits of Turks Eating out Eating vegetables EATMOREDRIEDFRUIT EBRD EBRD's new Food and Agribusiness Strategy Ebru Akdağ Ebru Baybara Demir Ebru Causey Ebru Erke EBSO Ece Tırkaz Ece Yücel ECO Eco-Fishing Eco-friendly fuel olive pits Eco-system EcoHealth Alliance Ecological agriculture project in Bolu Ecological migrants Ecology Fair Ecology İzmir Economic cooperation Economic Cooperation Organisation Ecosystem Ecosystem-based fishery management Ecosystem Restoration Edgar Dworsky Edible insects Edible oil Edip Birşen Ediz Ün Ed Musson Ed Musson Contracting Ltd. Edremit olive oil Efemçukuru Alphonse Grape Effective land use Effective than antibotics Effective use of water EFSA EGEDERİDER Ege University-Faculty of Agriculture Egg&Meat 2019 Symposium held in Çeşme Egg exports of Turkey Egg industry Eggplant pastry Egg prices Egg Producers Egg Producers' Association Egg Producers Products and Industrialists' Association Egg production in Turkey Egg production in Turkiye Egg production in Türkiye EGGSPRESS Egypt's cereal and pulse imports EIB EIB's exports EIB's agrifood exports EIB's TURQUALITY Projects EIB Export-Up EIC Eid-al-Adha Eid al-Adha Eid al-Fitr Eid el-Fitr EIMA EIMA International Ekin Agro A.Ş. Ekmel Nuri Baydur EKMMIB Ekrem Bayır Ekrem Oran Ekrem Şaylan Elaine Watson Electrical Strike System Electricity prices and farmers Electric tractors Electronic Product Bills Electronic Warehouse Receipt Elenita Dano Eleventh Development Plan Eli Alharal Elif Köse Elif Necla Türkoğlu Elif Üngör Elisabetta Falcetti Elizabeth Hull Ellen MacArthur Ellen MacArthur Foundation Elmalı Milk Producers' Association El Nino ELO ELÜS ELİDAŞ Embrapa EMEA Emergency mobilisation Emin Demirci Emiralem Strawberry Festival Emir Sami İşmen Emma McClarkin Employment Empowerment of Rural Women in Türkiye and Central Asia Project Emrah Bilge Emrah Karayel Emrah Yaşar Emrah Öztürk Emre Aydın Emre Kızılgüneşler Emre Ongurlar Emre Pınar Kılıç Emre Uygun Emre Yüksek Emre Yıldırım Endemic plants in Türkiye Ender Yorgancılar Ender Özgün Ending Hunger Ending Hunger by 2030 Ending poverty End products of fresh fruit and vegetables End the Cage Age Enduring wheat Energy agriculture Energy Agriculture Research Centre Energy crisis Energy efficiency Energy Industrialists and Businessmen's Association Energy Industrialists and Businessmen Association (ENSİA) Chairman Hüseyin Vatansever Energy Union Enes Örer Engel's law Engin Altan Düzyatan Engin Altunoğlu Engin Er Engin Olgunca Engin Tarım Engin Yeşil Enise Soykan Ensuring the food safety ENSİA Environmental activists Environmental footprint Environmental impacts of sugar Environmentalist Energy Association Environmental project Enzymes Eradication of Poverty Eran Raizman Eray Çiçek Erbaa Narince Vineyard Leaves Ercan Korkmaz Ercan Türktemel Erciyas University (ERÜ) Erdal Bahçıvan Erdal Pınar Erdemli Chamber of Agriculture Erdem Mutaf Erdem Çelik Erdoğan Kahya Erdoğan Uzun Erdoğan Ünal Eren Atak Eren Günhan Ulusoy Eren Ongurlar Ergene Basin Action Plan Ergün Demirhan Ergün Çolakoğlu Erhan Adem Eric Gall Eric Girdler Eric Robinson Erin Collier Erin Matson Erkan Alkan Erkan Doğan Erkan Sarıcan Erkan Tabak Erkunt Tractor Inc. Erkut Uluçam Ermias Betemariam Erol Avcı Erol Avni Bozkurt Erol Kesici Erosion Ersel Şengel Ersin Yazıcı Ertharin Cousin Ertuğrul Gündoğdu Ertuğrul Karagöl Ertuğrul Tugay Ertuğrul Zedef Ertuğrul Özcan Erzincan Provincial Manager of Agriculture and Forestry Erzurum Commodity Exchange Erzurum Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Erzurum Water Cheese Pastry ESAR Esin Arslan ESK Espace for the Future Esra Kaplan Esra Uzun ESÜHMİB Etabal ETC Group Ethanol and molasses Ethem Gözkonan Ethem Tanrıver ETO ETÜDER EU EU's climate policy EU's Honey Directive EU's Horizon 2020 Europe Programme EU's dairy products EU's pasta quota EU agri-food chain Eu agricultural and food products EU agriculture EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Eu criteria EU draft anti-deforestation law EU Emissions Trading System Eugenia Carrara EU geographical indication certification EU Green Deal EU honey imports EU new organic legislation EU Organic Action Plan EU Organic Awards Eu organic farming Euphrates River eurasia Eurasian and Balkan Countries Agricultural Journalists Forum Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) EU registration Euro/Dollar parity Europe's agricultural policies Europe's farmers European agricultural policy European agricultural production European Biogas Association European Climate Foundation European farmers rise up European Food Safety Authority European food security European forests European Green Deal European Green Plan European Innovation Council European Landowners' Organization European Landowners Organization (ELO) European maize market European Mentoring & Coaching Council European Organic Action Plan European Sorghum Congress European Spice Association (ESA) European Waste Reduction Week Euroseeds EUROSTAT Eurropean Egalim EU wine production Eva Marone Evaporation Evi Kiorri Evrim Şen EWR Excess meat consumption Exchange rates Exemplar Hazelnut Gardens Project Exhibitions Exit fee abroad Exorbitant price hikes Experiential Learning Expert Hands Project Expert on bread-making Expiry date in eggs Exploiting environmental sensibilities Export-oriented agricultural stragegy Export-Up Mentoring Programme Export attack of Pınar Milk Export ban Export ban of bulk olive oil Export ban of milk powder Export ban on olive oil Export ban on palm oil Export ban on white meat Export bans Export by Turkish air cargo Export of bulk olive oil Export of pasta-bulghur and wheat semolina Export record from Aegean exporters Export restriction on beans Export restriction on lemon Export restriction on some food products Export restrictions Exports from Afyonkarahisar province Exports from Aydın province Exports from Black Sea Region Exports from Bursa Exports from Eastern Black Sea region Exports from Rize province Exports from the Eastern Black Sea region Exports from Trabzon to Russia Exports of Aydın province Exports of forestry products Exports of morel mushrooms Exports of Pınar Meat Exports to Far East Extended shelf life Extra virgin oil Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOO) Extreme flooding Extreme heat Extreme poverty Extreme weather events EYMSİB Eyyüp Ergan Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Eyüp Sevimli Ezine cheese Ezogelin Initiative EZZİB EÇS Eğriçayır Honey EİB EİB' sustainability studies EİB's value-added exports EİB Science and Technology Board EİB Sustainability Days Fahrettin Poyraz Faik Uyanık Faik Üçer fair Fake honey Fake olive oils Fallow Fallow lands Family farming Family farming in Paraguay Family farms Family forestry in Finland Famine Famine in the Horn of Africa FAO FAO's Food Price Monitoring and Analysis Tool FAO's Hand in Hand Initiative FAO's Syrian Refugee Resilience Plan FAO-Food Price Trends FAO - State of Food and Agriculture 2021 Fao - Turkey FAO-Turkiye Partnership Programme FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes FAO Cereal Price Index FAO Dairy Price Index FAO Food Commodity Price Indices FAO Food Index FAO Food Price Index FAO Four Betters FAO Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) FAO Global Information and Early Warning Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) FAO Hand-in-Hand Forum FAO Meat Price Index FAO publication Regional food market situation and policy bulletin in response to the COVID-19 pandemic FAO Representative for Turkiye FAO Science and Innovation Forum FAO Strategic Framework 2022 - 31 FAO Sub-Regional Coordinator for Central Asia and Turkey Representative FAO Sugar Price Index FAO Türkiye FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index Far Countries Strategy Farm2Fork (F2F) Farm Accounting Data Network Farm and food exports of USA Farm automation Farm Bill Farm economy Farmed fish Farmer's Pulse Farmer-Citizen Movement Farmer Advantage Card (FAC) Farmer Field School Farmer Field Schools Farmer Field Schools in Yayladğı district of Hatay province Farmer friendly carbon Farmer Registration System (ÇKS) Farmers Farmers' cash flows Farmers' electricity Farmers' loans Farmers' age Farmers' protests Farmers and digitasition Farmer Support Loan Farmer supports Farm Europe Farm gate price Farming Farming by water Farming in Brazil Farming in Canada Farming in Malawi Farming in New Zealand Farming in Russia Farming subsidies Farming technologies Farming with less water Farmland prices Farm machinery Farm management Farm management software (FMS) Farm Policy News Farm supports Farm to Fork Farm to Fork Strategy FarmWise Robotics Fart tax Faruk Coşkun Faruk Temelli Fatih Başoğlu Fatih Dönmez Fatih Gürbüz Fatih Kacır Fatih Metin Fatih Tan Fatih Özdağ Fatih Özdemir Fatih Öztürk Fatin Rüştü Turanlı Fatling and sacrificial animals Fatma Behit Fatma Sarsu Fatma Ömür Ünsay Fatma Şahin Fattening Fattening calf production Fattening lambs Fattening material Fattening Organised Agricultural Zones FATURALAB Fazlı Yalçındağ Fazıl Düşünceli Feast of Qurban Feast of Sacrifice Federation of European Aquaculture Producers - FEAP Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey (TGDF) Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey Vice Chairman Rint Akyüz Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Türkiye (TGDF) Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations or Türkiye Federico Pamfili FederUnacoma Feed efficiency Feed Efficiency Index Feeding America Feed prices Feed support to wild animals Fehmi Kiraz Fei Zhao Felda Food Felippe Serigati Female employees Female farmers in SA Fen Beed Fenugreek Feasibility Report and Investor Guide Fenugreek production in Turkey Ferhat Gürüz Ferhat Pişmaf Ferhat Şahin ferhat Şen Feridun Yılmazlar Fernlea greenhouse Feroz Sheikh Ferrero Fersan Fertiliser production from organic waste Fertiliser sector Fertilization and irrigation Fertilizer Fertilizer crisis Fertilizer prices Fertilizer production Fertilizer use Fertlizer sales Fethullah Arık Fevzi Çiçek Fevzi Çondur Feyhan Yaşar Feyzullah Korkut FFA FFA's Call To Action FfPI FHA Food and Beverage Fair FIBL Field crops Field Day in Dikili district Field fishing Field robots Field to fork Fig Fig House of İzmir Fighting against cheese waste in Denmark Fighting against pesticides Fighting against poverty Fighting food waste Fighting obesity Fig production in Mut district Figs with aflatoxin Fikret Akova Fikret Kerim Alp Fikret Ürper Fikri Türkel Filiz Ceritoğlu Şengel Filiz Köseyener Filtered wastewater for cultivating maize Fine Food Australia Fair Finike orange Finnish Agri-Agency Finnish agriculture FinTech FIRA First cotton seeds brought with the soil First shipment date of dried figs Firuz Bağlıkaya Fish and Bread Festival in Baku FISHCap FISHCap project Fish consumption in Mauritania Fish consumption in Turkey Fish deaths Fisheries Fisheries and aquaculture Fisheries Organized Industrial Zone Fisheries production in Türkiye Fishery and aquaculture in Turkey Fishery exports from Samsun Fishery exports of Muğla and İzmir provinces Fishery exports of Turkey Fishery in Kastamonu region Fishery in Mauritania Fishery production in Turkey Fish farming Fish farming on giant ships Fishing ban Fishing in Zanzibar Fishing season Fishing sector Fish is health Fishmeal Fish oil Fish population in Izmir Fish species Fish species in Marmara Sea Fish stock in Black Sea Fish welfare Fix Dessert Chocolatier Fixing The Business of Food 2021 Floating solar Floating solar catches Floating solar panels Flood irrigation Floods in Greece Florentino Lopez flour Flour and pasta exports of Turkey Flour from olive waste Flower producing in Antalya Flower production in Turkiye Flower Show İstanbul Fluctuations in foreign exchange FMCG Gurus FNSEA Fodder crops Food Food-related information pollution Food2China Fair Food aid for shelter animals Food and agricultural production in EU Food and Agricultural Products Monitoring and Assessment Committee Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and drink Food and drink industry in Turkey Food and Nutrition Organisation Food availability Food banking Food Banks Food Coalition Food Committee Food commodities Food counterfeit Food crises Food crisis Food defense against bioterrorism Food delivery app Food demand Food democracy Food donation Foodex Japan Food Exporters of Türkiye Food exports from Antalya province Food exports of EİB Food exports to Singapore Food export to Japan Food For All Africa Food forests FoodForward South Africa Food fraud Food from insects Food habits in Mauritania Food hygiene Food import ban of Russia Food inflation Food inflation and climate change Food inflation in Turkiye Food innovation Food Innovation Platform (TÜGİP) Food insecurity Food insecurity in Afghanistan Food inspections Food inspections in İzmir Food is a human right Food literacy in Turkey Food loss and waste Food loss and waste (FLW) Food losses Food Loss Index Food Nation Denmark Food of the future Food price hikes Food price inflation Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Food Price Monitoring and Analysis Tool (FPMA) Food prices Food price spikes Food production Food protectionism Food rancidity Food rationing programme of Iraq Food Retailers' Association Food safety Food safety and sustainability Food Safety Institute-Ankara Food Safety Workshop in Afyonkarahisar Food savers Food security Food security and nutrition Food Security Doctrine Food self-sufficiency in Russia Food shock window Food shortage Food shortage in Sri Lanka Food shortages Food sovereignty Food Standards Agency Food staples Food stocks Food Supplement and Nutrition Associaiton Food supplements Food supply Food supply chain Food system of the future Food systems Food systems transformation FoodTank Food Tank Food Valley Netherlands FoodValley NL Food waste Food waste and climate plans Food waste and losses Food waste at hotels Food Waste Index Food waste management Food waste prevention Food wastes and losses Food water and energy Footprint of water Forage crops Foreign trade deficit Foreign trade in food and agriculture Foresight Africa 2021 Forest fires Forest fires and pine honey Forest loss Forest losses Forest monitoring Forests Forest Schools Project Forever chemicals Forgotten foods for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats Forum for the Future of Agriculture Fossil fuels Fossil fuel trap FOSTER 1 Four-season resistant flowers Four Betters Foça Mayor Francesco Lollabrigida Francesco Rispoli Francys Vilella Frans Timmermans Fraud of organic products Fraudulence in honey Frederic Simon Free city Freedom House Free farmers Free Trade Agreement Freight prices French agriculture French farmers Fresh and dry tea Fresh apricots of Malatya Fresh fruit and vegetable exporters Fresh fruit and vegetable exports from Mersin Fresh fruit and vegetable losses Fresh fruit and vegetable prices Fresh fruit and veg exports from Mediterranean region Fresh Fruit Vegetable and Citrus Cluster Development of International Competitiveness Project Fresh India Global Conference Fresh India Show Fresh or dried mushrooms Fresh sultana grapes Fresh tea Fresh tea yield From farm to fork From Farm to Table From field to fork From wall to fork Frozen bread FRUCOM fruit Fruit and veg consumption in Turkey Fruit and Vegetable Academy Fruit and vegetable prices Fruit and vegetable production in Vietnam Fruit Attraction Fair Fruit Logistica Fruit of paradise Fruit production in the world Fruit production in Türkiye FTA Fuat Gürel Fuat Kasımcan Fuat Tanman Fully closed irrigation systems Functional foods Funda Baltalı Funda Özer Baltalı funded by the Government of the Republic of FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) Funke Aderonmu Furkan Turut Future farming Future For Fish Programme Future of agriculture and food Future of farming Future of hazelnut production in Türkiye Future of the agri-food sector Futures International FİSKOBİRLİK Fındıklı Fındıklı district G-20 Global Summit G20 countries Gabriela Bucher Gabriella Tallarico Gad Shoshan Gaffar Tuncer GAIB Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Galip Aykaç Gamze Karabulut GAP GAPTAEM Garlic production in Kastamonu Garth Cairns Gas prices Gastronomic Society of Turkey Gastronomic tourism for Hatay Gastronomy Gastronomy tourism in Türkiye GastroRize Gastro Show Gavin Schmidt Gaziantep Gaziantep Beekeepers' Association Gaziantep Development Foundation (GAGEV) Gazi Kutlu GAİB GCHERA GE crops Gedik Piliç GE engineered corn and soybean Geese are versatile animals Geeta Sethi GEF GE in agriculture GE in olive oil GEKAP fee Gelecegenefes.com Gelemer variety of watermelon Gender dimensions of pesticide use Gene-edited wheat Gene banks Gene editing Gene editing in agriculture Gene modification General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Development (TAGEM) General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture General Directorate of Food and Control General Directorate of Forestry General Directorate of Meteorology General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks General Directorate of Plant Production General Directorate of Tea Enterprises General Director of Forestry General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) General Secretary of TGDF Generation Z Generative artificial intelligence Gene technologies Genetically modified organisms Genetically modified tomato Genetically modified wheat Genetic engineering Genetic specimen Genome editing Genome editing technologies Genomic Elite GEO Energy Holding Geographical indicated products of Gaziantep Geographical indication Geographically indicated olive oil Geographically Indicated Product Georgia’s National Food Agency Geothermal based greenhousing Geothermal Energy Association Geothermal energy in agriculture Geothermal energy in Turkey Geothermal greenhouses GE products Geraldine Bernard Gerardo Fortuna German Farmers' Association German farms Gerry Kelman Gerry Salole Get cracking Getting children out of the workforce Getting rid of hunger Geven honey Geven honey production in Adıyaman Geyve Geyve quince GFAR GFCM GFW Ghana Cocoa Buyers Group GI Giampaolo Barbieri GI for garlic Gilbert F. Houngbo Ginger in Nigeria Giovanni Indino Giresun Bagel Giresun Chamber of Agriculture Giresun Commodity Exchange Giresun Nettle Giresun Pita Giresun province Giresun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Giresun Quality Hazelnut Gizem Salcıgil White Gizem Şalcıgil White Glasgow Climate Pact Glasgow Summit Global acreage Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock and the Multi-stakeholder Partnership for Feed safety Global agricultural commodities Global agrifood systems Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty Global Alliance for the Future of Food Global average temperature Global banana production Global cereal output and consumption Global cereal output forecast Global cereal prices Global cereal production Global cereal supply Global Child Nutrition Foundation Global climate change Global cocoa prices Global cocoa production Global cocoa supply Global coffee consumption Global coffee market Global coffee prices Global coffee production Global combat with desertification Global commodity market Global commodity markets Global Compact Global corn market Global cotton production Global cotton products update Global Deal for Nature and People Global deforestation Global dried fruit market Global Environment Facility Global Ethics Day Global Farmer Network Global fertilizer prices Global food assistance Global food barons Global food commodities Global food commodity prices Global food crisis Global food demand Global food imports Global Food Index Global food industry Global food insecurity Global food prices Global food production Global food security Global food waste Global Footprint Network Global Forest Watch Global Forum for Food and Agriculture Global Forum on Agricultural Research Global Forum on Food and Agriculture (GFFA) Global Future Councils Global GAP Global grain prices Global heat waves Global hunger Global impact of the pandemic Global inequality Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) Global lemon market Global methane emissions Global milk trade Global mushroom consumption Global nuts and dried fruits consumption Global organic market Global poultry industry Global poverty Global precision agriculture Global pulse consumption Global pulse production Global raspberry production Global Recycling Day Global rice market Global rice prices Global rice production Global rice supplies Global Risks Report Global seafood production and consumption Global seafood trade Global sugar consumption Global sugar prices Global supply for grains Global trade Global varming threatens Caspian Sea Global warming Global wheat exports Global wheat forecast Global wheat prices Global wheat production Global wine consumption Global Youth Forum Gloria Mosito Glyphosate GMO GMO Free Turkish Cotton GMO legislation GMO wheat Goat cheddar Goat curd Goat labne Goat milk Goat strained yogurt Going green Golden Ratio Theme Gonca Erkut Gonca Kırtıloğlu Demir Good Agricultural Practises Good Cotton Good for you-Good for the Planet Good Growth Plan Goods subject to export registration Goose breeding Goose meat production in Kars Goretti Guasch Gotabaya Rajapaksa Gourmand Awards GPD GPS technology Grain and feed market in Bulgaria Grain corridor Grain Corridor Agreement Grain Corridor Summit Grain crisis Grain export deal Grain exports Grain exports from Ukraine Grain farmers Grain harvest Grain harvest in Ukraine Grain hub Grain production Grain production in Bulgaria Grain production in Erzurum Grain production in Russia Grain production in Turkey Grains Grains of the cocoa plant Grains Pulses Oil Seeds and Products Exporters Sector Board Grains Research and Development Corporation Grain Suppliers Association Grain Traders' Association Grant F. Reid Grant support for renewable energy investments Grape and Pomegranate Products Grape centre Alaşehir Grape flavour Grape harvest Grape production in Manisa province Grape production Manisa province Grasshopper invasion Great Famine in Ireland Great Plain Project Great Plain Protection Area Greece's farm produces Greek cuisine Greek olive crop Greek olive oil Greek olive oil industry Green Agreement Green charcoal Green Climate Fund Green coffee Green Consensus Compliance Green Corridors Green Deal Green Deal of EU Green Development Revolution Green Economy Green economy in Brazil Green energy Green financing Green Gold Greenhouse Construction Hardware and Equipment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (SERKONDER) Greenhouse cultivation Greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gases Greenhouse Investors and Producers Association Greenhouse production in Antalya Greenhouse production in Türkiye Greening disease in citrus Green investment Green Organized Industrial Zones Greenpeace Green production Green Purchasing Green Reconcilition Working Group Green Recovery Plans Green Transformation Green transition Green transition for farmers Green transition for SMEs Greenwashing Greta Thunberg Gro Intelligence Gross sales of Turkish agricultural companies Groundwater Groundwater resources Group SAGUN Growtech Growtech Eurasia 2022 Growtech International Greenhouse - Agricultural Technology and Livestock Equipment Fair Gruyere Cheese Gruyere Cheese of Kars GTBD GTIB Gubad Ibadoghlu Guido Barilla Guihua Yu Guild of Fine Food in the United Kingdom Guilherme Morya Guillaume Pagy Guillermo Moreno Gulfood Gulfood International Food Fair Gustavo Campos Fallas Guy Faulconbridge Tuvan Gümrükçü Guy Shone Guy Waksman GÜBRETAŞ GÜLBİRLİK GÜNDER GÜSAD Göbeklitepe Gökhan Bayramoğlu Gökhan Karaca Gökhan Mendi Göksal Çidem Gökçen Türk Görele Ice Cream Gözde Sevinç Gözde İnaneri Bakıcı Gül Akyürek Balta Gülden Diloğlu Gülfem Eren Güloğlu Plastic Company Gülsüm Soyak Gülçin Güloğlu Gülşah Yıldız Gümüldür tangerine Gümüşhane Güngör Şarman Güres Group Güres Group's egg exports Gürhan Güven Gürkan Hekimoğlu Gürsel Evren Güven Geriş Güven Sak H. Gökhan Özdemir Hacı Çetindağ Hacı Ömer Güler Hafız Mustafa Hakan Ateş Hakan Koçoğlu Hakan Koştu Hakan Kızarıcı Hakan Oral Hakan Turan hakki bahar Haktan Akın Halal Expo Halal Fair Halal food Halal for All Halal market Hale Çerkezoğlu Altundaş Halfeti Halfeti's Black Rose Halhali variety Halil Bülbül Halil Gökmenoğlu Halil Gündoğdu Halil Kozan Halil Pekdemir Halil İbrahim Balcı Halim Tosun Halis Bread Wheat variety Halit Arabacı Halit Ünlü Haluk Okutur Haluk Taktak Haluk Tezcan Haluk Şensoy Halva Hamdi Arslan Hamit Aygül Hamza Bölük Hamza Kyeyune Hand-in-Hand Initiative Hand-in-HandInitiative Handan Aktan Hanefi Rençber Hanger melon Hannah Ritchie Hannah Ryder Hannes de Waal Hans Rosling Happiness and prosperity wishes for all agriculture-food and forestry world! Happy Banana Happy Chocolate Day Happy Cotton Production Project Happy Soil Feast Happy World Milk Day Harika Karakan Batallı Harriet Lamb Harun Seçkin Harun Çallı Harvest and Beyond Magazine Harvest commissions Harvesting robots Harvest losses Harvest losses across Turkey Harvest machines HarvestPlus Harşit Valley Hasan Ali Yılmaz Hasan Altun Hasan Basri Kurt Hasan Gezginç Hasan Girenes Hasan Hepkaya Hasan Hüseyin Demiröz Hasan Kale Hasan Keskin Hasan Kozoğlu Hasan Kuzuoğlu Hasan Osman Sabır Hasan Çelik Hasan Önal Hasan Şıldak Hatay cuisine Hatti Food Havard Worren Hay Haydar Fersoy Hayrettin Uçak Hayri Telekoğlu Hazal Oğuz Sarıkaya Hazelnut Hazelnut and frost Hazelnut and Hazelnut Products Sector Committee Hazelnut and Products Sector Committee Hazelnut consumption Hazelnut drying Hazelnut drying facility Hazelnut export from Trabzon Hazelnut exports Hazelnut exports from Eastern Black Sea region Hazelnut exports from Trabzon Hazelnut exports of Turkey Hazelnut farming Hazelnut harvest Hazelnut harvest in Giresun Hazelnut kernel Hazelnut of Hizan district Hazelnut orchards in Samsun Hazelnut prices Hazelnut production Hazelnut production in Azerbaijan Hazelnut production in Bitlis Hazelnut production in Black Sea region Hazelnut production in Ordu Hazelnut production in Trabzon Hazelnut production in Türkiye Hazelnuts export of Turkey Hazelnut shells Hazelnut yield Hazelnut Yield Estimation Commission HAZER HDF FZCO and HADAF Foods Health-associated food products Health-focussed foods health and digitalization are priorities HealthforAnimals Health strategy Healthy and balanced nutrition Healthy food Healthy plants Healthy soil Heatflation Heatguard Evolution Heatwaves Heat waves Heavy rain in Konya province Heidi Bjerkan Heifer Heinrich Böll Association Heirloom seeds Hektaş held Hellim cheese Hemp Hemp production in Samsun Hemp production in Türkiye Hendrik van Staden Henk Staghouwer Henley Bridge Henryk Kowalczyk HepYerinden Herbicide tolerance Herd management Hesham Soliman Hi-Tech agriculture Hidamet Asa Hidden agrifood costs Hidden costs Hidden inflation High-breed of goats High-income households High-tech farming High added value products in pulses High food prices High inflation High input prices Highlands of Bergama district High nature value (HNV) High value-added products Hijaz brand pomegranate production in Antalya Hikmet Birand Hilmi Sevilgen Hilmi Sürek History of wheat Hitendra Chadurvedi Holistic agriculture Holistic management Homegarden systems Homeless refugees Honey Honey Bee Gene Bank Honey bee gene diversity Honeybees Honey Communiqué Honey exports from Black Sea region Honey forest Honey Forest Action Plan Honey forests Honey Gourmet Honey harvest in Mersin Honey production Honey production in Mersin Honey production in Muğla Honey production in Sivas province Honey production in Turkey Honey production in Turkiye Honey production in Türkiye Honey sherbet Honey yoghurt Hookah (Narghile) tobacco Hop production in Pazaryeri district of Bilecik province Horizon 2020 project Horn of Africa Horse mackerel Hot commodity Hottest day in Türkiye Hottest month ever Hottest year Hottest year in Türkiye Houmer Balazadeh Household expenses Housing heating Houssam Hamza Hoven Meyer HPA Academy Hu Bingchuan HUBUDER Hugo Struna Hulusi Akar Human influence on global warming Humanitarian response to COVID-19 Humberto Lopez Hunger Hunger and malnutrition Hunger crisis in Middle East Hunger hotspots in Africa Hunger in Afghanistan Hunger in Arab world Hunting ban on industrial fishing activities Hunting season of sea cucumbers Hunting season of tuna fish Huriye Yamanyılmaz Huriye Özener Hydrocow project Hydroelectric energy generation Hydroelectric power plant Hydropolitics Association Hydroponic farming Hydroponic strawberry production Hygiene Hygiene conditions Hüseyin Akay Hüseyin Altındağ Hüseyin Arabacı Hüseyin Arslan Hüseyin Aydın Hüseyin Demir Hüseyin Demirtaş Hüseyin Emre Engin Hüseyin Karamehmetoğlu Hüseyin Memişoğlu Hüseyin Vural Güleç Hüseyin Çavuş Kelle Hüseyin Çevik Hüsnü Serteser Hıdır Kar Ian Cousins IAOM IBRAFE Ibrahim Thiaw ICA ICAO ICAR ICCO ICL Group ICO ICRISAT IDAFLW IDF World Dairy Summit 2022 Idle capacity in flour industry IDMA Fair IDMA Istanbul 2024 IFAD IFAD Workshop in İstanbul IFAJ IFAJ/Alltech Young Leaders IFC IFCN IFFCO Food IFIF IFOAM Ignacio Ruiz IKAR IKON Commodities Ilgın Hasırcıoğlu ILO IMBIYOTAB IMF Importance of agriculture Importance of food industry Importance of packaged foods Imported watermelons Import tariffs on grains and pulses Imtiaz Hussain Inaho Inc. Inam Karimov Income gap Income insurance for farmers Income Production Package Income protection insurance scheme Increasing evaporation INDEPENDENT Independent Chemical & Energy Market Intelligence (ICIS) Indermit Gill India India's agricultural exports India's agrifood exports India's fruit and vegetable industry India's energy park India's export ban on wheat Indian Agricultural Research Institute of ICAR Indian agriculture Indian Council for Agricultural Research Indian farmers Indian Florists' Council (GFCI) Indian flower growers Indian monsoon Indigenous people worldwıde Indigenous seeds Indigenous to Kütahya province Individual small farming model Indonesia's palm oil exports Indoor farming IndusFood Show 2024 Industrial horticulture Industrial potato varieties Industry 4.0 Inert agricultural lands Infodemia Informa Markets Inger Andersen Inheritance tax Innovation and digitalization in agriculture Innovation and philosophy in agriculture Innovation in agriculture Innovation in tomatoes Innovation management Innovative Agricultural Technologies Innovative and Sustainable Clustering in the Olive Value Chain (OASIS) Project Innovative cheese products of Muratbey Innovative irrigation solutions Innovative solutions in agriculture Inogar Innovation Cooperative InoSuit Programme Insect-based food products Insect farming Insects for food Instant coffee Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Institute for European Environmental Policy Integrated Biorefinery Concept for Bioeconomy Driven Development Integrated management Integrated pest control programme Intelligent farming Intelligent manufacturing Interest-free six-month postponement of 6 billion liras interfresh InterFresh Eurasia Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change Intermittent irrigation International Agricultural Research Institute International Association of Operative Millers International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) Eurasia International cereal trade International China Import Fair International Clean Energy Day International Cocoa Organization International Coffee Day International Coffee Organization International Competition Development Project International Conference of Dried Grape Producing Countries International Conference of Seedless Dried Grape Producing Countries International Conference of Seedless Raisin Producer Countries International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) International Cotton Advisory Committee International Dairy Auction International Dairy Federation (IDF) International Day for Biological Diversity - May 22 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste International Day of Cooperatives International Day of Fruits and Vegetables International Day of Plant Health International Day of Rural Women 15 October International Dried Fruit and Nut Council (INC) International Federation of Agricultural Journalists International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) International Fertilizer Association (IFA) International Flour Industrialists and Grains Association International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) International Grains Council International grain trade International Labour Organisation International Logistics Centres International Nut and Dried Fruit Congress International Nut and Dried Fruit Council-INC International Olive Council International online seed fair International Organisation of Vine and wine International Plant-Based Foods Working Group (IPBFWG) International Poultry Meat Council International Press Freedom Day International Renewable Energy Agency International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) International Seed Federation (ISF) International Solar Energy Society Turkiye Section International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability International Tea Committee International Tea Day - 21 May International Union for Conservation of Nature International Water Bank International Water Resources International Women's Day International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture International Year of Fruits and Vegetables International Year of Millets 2023 International Year of Women Farmers 2026 Intervention Board for red meat market Investing in rural people Inward Processing Authorisation Certificate IOFS IoT and data analytics IoT in agriculture IPA IPARD IPARD funds IPARD projects IPARD support IPBES IPCC IPC Maps Survey I Promise Campaign IPSO Agriculture IPSOS Research Company IPUD IRENA Irfan Ashraf Irish Freeman's Journal Irmak Tan Iron Silk Road Irregular rainfall Irrigated agricultural lands Irrigated areas in Brazil Irrigation Irrigation in agriculture Irrigation management Irrigation projects IsDB Ishtiaq Ahmed Islamic Development Bank Islamic Organization for Food Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob ISO 500 Isot harvest Isot production in Şanlıurfa Isparta's Kuyucak village Isparta rose oil Israeli high-tech in agriculture Istanbul Beekeepers Association Istanbul Cereals Pulses Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Istanbul Chamber of Industry Istanbul Climate Change Summit 2023 Istanbul Fisheries and Animal Products Exporters' Association (İSHİB) Istanbul Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association (IYMSİB) Istanbul Grain Agreement Istanbul Grain Centre Istanbul Grain Deal Istanbul Indoor Vertical Agriculture Centre Istanbul International Food Meetings Istanbul Meeting ISTIB Italian Association of Olive Oil Producers Italy Evo Competition ITB IUCN Ivan Gonzalez Ivan Palmagiani IWB IYAFA 2022 IYFV IZFAŞ Izmir Licensed Warehousing Inc. Izmir Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Iğdır's handwoven carpets Işık Agriculture Işınsu Kestelli Jacinda Ardern Jacobo Weizenblut Jacques Torres Jacques Treiner Jafar Maharramov Jahan-Zeb Chowdhury Jak Eskinazi Jakob Kern Jam and marmalade manufacturers Jane Marsh Jane Molony Janez Potocnik Jan Langbein Jan Lassen Jannik Dresemann Janusz Wojciechowski Janybek Kerimaliev Japan's agrifood exports Japan Ministry of Agriculture Jared Piazza Jason Holland Javier Blas Jayesh Ranjan Jean-Luc Melenchon Jean-Pierre Van Puymbrouck Jean Claude Rubyogo JED Jeff Rowe Jeff Tripian Jenna Hoffman Jennifer Marston Jens Busma Jeremy Clarkson JES JESDER Jessica Boxall Jessica Christiansen Jim Rothermich Joachim Rukwied Joanna Kane-Potaka Jodir Pereira da Silva Joe Biden Joel Kohen Joerg Ellmanns Johan Bremmer John Bryne John Deere John Hudson John Innes Centre John Kempf Jonas Bömer Jordan Bardella Jose Angel Gurria Josef Kienzle Jose Gregorio Briceno Joseph Glauber Josephine Napwon Cosmos Joseph Yoon José Alejandro Terán Journal Nature Biotechnology Joxe Mari Aizega Joyce Njoro Joydeep Bhattacharyya Jude Webber Judith Magyar Juiceful Istanbul Summit Julia Dahm Julia Poliscanova Julien Denormandie Juliet Mann July 7 June 5 World Environment Day June 7 Jurgen Tack Just Grow It Justin Chadwick Jürgen Decloedt K. Chandrasekhar Rao Kaan Baral Kaan Sidar Kadir Bozan Kadir Tatık Kadooğlu Yağ (Oil) Kadri Gündeş Kadriye Yaprak Taşar Kahve Dünyası Kallimanis KALRO Kaman walnut Kambiz Abbasi Kamel Beliazi Kamil Karaman Kamil Özcan Kamu-Der Kanica Goel KAP Karabük Karacabey Agricultural Enterprise Karacabey Stud Farm KARADENİZBİRLİK Karagül Karagül (Black rose) of Halfeti Karagül cologne Karakılçık wheat Karaman Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University Karapınar district in Konya province Karapınar solar power plant Karen Barnes Karen Hanner Karen Ovsepyan Karen Yapım Karl Muller Karma Group Karpuzlu Kars Cheese Museum Kars Dam Kars Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Kastamonu Kastamonu Beekeepers' Association Kasım Comert Tokayev Katrin Glatzel Kaya Demirer Kaya Farm Kaya Yıldız Kayseri Kayseri cuisine Kayseri Provincial Director of Agriculture Kayseri Sugar Beet Growers' Cooperative Kayseri the capital of pastrami Kazakh beef Kazakh meat exports to Türkiye Kazakhstan's agricultural exports Kazım Gürel Kazım Taycı Keban-Karakaya and Atatürk Dams Keban Dam Keefe Keeley Keigo Obara Keith Good Kemal Balıkçılık (Fishery) Kemal Kaçmaz Kemal Kızılkaya Kemalpaşa cherries Kemal Yılmaz Kemal Çeber KEMTAR Kenan Aktaş Kenan Engin Kenan Seçkin Kenan Unat Kenan Uygur Keneviro Kenyan Food Event Fair Keramettin Lake Kerem Kınık Kerevitaş Kerim Ülker Keskin Keskinoğlu KFMİB Kilis 7 December University Kilis olive oil Kilis Organic Olive Producers' Association Kimberley Wilson King Shakir Kirve Kitt Healey Kitty Logan Kiwi production in Ordu Klaus Pichler KLC Food Klim Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Konya Agriculture Fair Konya Branch of the Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Konya Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Konya Commodity Exchange Konya cuisine Konya Plain Konya Plain Project (KOP) Konya Turkey's granary Kopuz Gıda Koral Kalpaklıoğlu Korea Imported Products Fair KOSGEB Kosovo Kozak Çamavlu Cooperative Koç Koçarlı Kristalina Georgieva Kumquat production in Seferihisar Kurt Krause Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi Kutlu Karavelioğlu Kuzuova Floating Solar Power Plant Kwanalu KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Kynetec KÖYKOOP İzmir KÜSİ Köklü Olives Köklü Zeytincilik Köy-Koop KöyKoop Küncülü helva Kürtün district Kürşad Sevim Kürşat Tüzmen Kütüp-Anne Platform KİZADER Kılıç Global Seafood Holding Kılıç Holding Kılıç Seafood Kılıç Seafood Co. Kınık Agricultural Organised Industrial Zone Kınık tomato Kırşehir's Cemele Pepper Kıvanç Özcan Kızıltepe Grain Trade Centre Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak Rivers Kızılırmak river Lab-grown meat Labne Labneh cheese Lack of access to clean water and sanitation Lack of rain Lack of water LAGARİ Laila Humairah Lake Burdur Lake Marmara Lake salmon Land-grabbers Land abandonment Land banking Land consolidation Land conversion land degradation Land Determination commission Land Festival Land grabbing Land health Land hunting in Türkiye Landless farmers LANDNET Workshop Land plot prıces Land protection Land reform in South Africa Land use Land use management La Nina Lapseki peach Laser beams Last Harvest Project Latest farming technologies in Pakistan Laurent Debroux Laurent Veyet Lavender fields in Burdur ve Isparta Lavender honey Lavender honey and oil Lavender oil Lavender production in Isparta Lavender production in Mersin Lavender production in Safranbolu Law of Markets Law regulating retail trade Lawrence Haddad Lawrence MacAulay Leaf tobacco Lean agriculture model Lean production Lean production in dried fruits Lean year Learn to love forests Leasing farmlands Leasing out unsown farmlands Leasing unsown farmlands Leather exports Leaving No One Behind Legume dishes Lely Lely Sphere Lemon-flavoured sauces Lemon exports Lemon production in Turkey Lena Johansson Len Pader Lentiz Schools Leonardo Gottems Leon Piçon Leo Varadkar Less-costly crops Less fertilizer-intensive crops Less food Less water-used practises Let's Clean Our Digital Life Levent Bilginoğulları Levent Ortakçıer Leyla Akyüz Sönmez Leyla Aydın Yüksel Leyla Yvonne Ergil Lezita Licensed warehouse Licensed Warehouse Companies Association Licensed warehousing in Türkiye Liesbet Gregoir Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Lily production in Thrace region Limiting the content of industrially-produced trans fat Limkon Gıda Lindi Botha Linear economy Lionnel Alexandre Liquid oil raw material Liquid oils resembling olive oil Lisa Moon Lise Walbom Live animal export ban Livestock Livestock emissions Livestock in China Livestock in New Zealand Livestock in Somalia Livestock in Turkiye Livestock management Livestock Organized Industrial Zone in Niğde Livestock roadmap Livestock sector in Türkiye Local bee breeds Local breeds Local flavours of Afyonkarahisar province Local flower growers eye for new markets Local governments Localized food systems Local potato varieties Local Seed Meetings Logistic centres Logistics London Honey Awards London IOOC Longer shelf life of food Long Mao Lost croplands Louisa Vinton Love your leftovers Low-altitude economy Low-income households Low carbon economy Low carbon farming Low carbon heroes Luca Rigotti Lucas de Brito Ayres Lucy King Luis Planas Luis Rua Lungs of the seas Lurii Mykhailov Lynn Brown Lütfi Bayraktar Lütfi Elvan Lütfü Savaş LİDAŞDER Mabouba Diagne Machine learning technologies Mackerel Macky Sall Made in Türkiye Mad honey production in Türkiye Magali Herranz Magdi Batato Mahmoud Mohieldin Mahmut Ensari Caymaz Mahmut Çalışkaner Mahmut Özer Mahmut Özgener Mahmut Şahin Mahsum Altunkaya Maire 'Pilu' Giraudo Maire Orban Maize harvest Maize plantings Maize prices down Maize production in Türkiye Makbule Çiftçi Making agrifood systems more resilient to shocks and stresses Malabo Declaration Malabo targets Malatya's apricot exports Malatya's dried apricot exports Malatya's apricot production Malatya Commodity Exchange Malatya Cuisine Malatya dried apricot Malatya Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Malnutrition Mamoun Amrouk Managing stubble Manavgat Manavgat Golden Sesame Mandarin Mandy Zuo Mango production in Alanya Mango production in Turkey Mango production in Türkiye Manisa Agricultural Chambers Manisa Commodity Exchange Manisa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Manisa Sultani Seedless Grape Manisa Viticulture Research Institute Mansur Umar Manuel Barange Manuka honey MAPA Maralfalfa crop Maraş-18 walnut variety Maraş ice cream Maraş Tarhana Marc Fesneau March 21 - International Day of Forests Marchalina hellenica Marco Lambertini Marcos Medina Marco Springmann Marcus Gover Mardin's cereal production Mardin-Ceylanpınar Canal Mardin cuisine Mardin olive oil Mardin plain Mare Marek Vyborny Margy Eckelkamp Maria Helena Semedo Maria Luiza Castro Mariam Almheiri Mariana Napolitano Maria Simon Arboleas Maria Vehera Mariia Didukh Marina Macharashvili Marine ecosystems Marine Invasive Alien Species Marine pollution Marines brand Marion Nestle Marit Aursand Marius Wessels Marjolein Brasz Marketing in fresh fruit and vegetables sector Marketing of Agricultural Products Act MarketsandMarkets Mark King Marko Bertogna MARKOOP Mark Tufnell Marmarabirlik Marta Antonelli Martin Gomez Martin Griffiths Martin Sanford Mass bee deaths Mass hunger and famine Massimo De Bellis Mass planting of saplings Mastic gum production in Çeşme MASUDER Mathias Cormann Mathis Wackernagel Matlı Yem Mato Grosso Matt Ammermann Matteo Vanotti Matthieu Sejourne Mauro Pisu Max Gerber Maxim Gorgan Maximo Torero Maximo Torrero Maximum Residue Limit Maxum Foods May 14 World Farmers' Day May all Turkey sow MAYBİ MAYBİR Mayer variety lemon Mayor of Ayvalık Mayor of Bergama Mayor of Beydağ District Mayor of Izmir Tunç Soyer Mayor of Marmaris Mayor of Seferihisar Mayor of Selçuk Mayor of Ödemiş Mayra Zapata MAY Seed Maytaal Angel Marcelo Teixeira MC Dominic Mealworm Measure Against the Child Labour Measuring drought sensitivity Meatable Meat and dairy production in Balıkesir Meat and dairy products Meat and Milk Board (ESK) Meat and Milk Institute Meat dishes Meat Exchange Meat industry in USA Meatly Meat prices Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility Med Medical nutrition products Medicinal and aromatic plant production in Ordu province Medicinal and aromatic plants Medicinal and aromatic plants in Muğla region Medicinal and aromatic plants production in Türkiye Medicinary and aromatic plants Mediterranean Cereals Mediterranean Cereals-Pulses-Oil Seeds and Products Exporters' Association Mediterranean Cereals Pulses Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association Mediterranean Commodity Market Intermediary Institution Mediterranean Conservation Association Mediterranean diet Mediterranean Exporters' Associations Mediterranean Fisheries and Animal Products Exporters' Association Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association Mediterranean Fruit Fly Medium Term Programme Meela Jayadev Meeting point of agriculture and technology Mega-drought Megadrought Megan Durisin Mehmet Akif Özkaldı Mehmet Aksoy Mehmet Aktaş Mehmet Akıncı Mehmet Akın Doğan Mehmet Ali Işık Mehmet Ata Özdemir Mehmet Aydemir Mehmet Aydın Mehmet Aykırı Mehmet Açıkgöz Mehmet Burçin Gönenli Mehmet Cirav Mehmet Demirhan Mehmet Ekizoğlu Mehmet Emin Bilmez Mehmet Emin Birpınar Mehmet Emin Yiğit Mehmet Emre Uygun Mehmet Erdoğan Mehmet ERgün Mehmet Eriş Mehmet Gönenli Mehmet Gün Mehmet Hadi Tunç Mehmet Hakan Akgün Mehmet Hakkı Semerci Mehmet Harmancı Mehmet Hezer Mehmet Hilmi Güler Mehmet Hüseyinoğlu Mehmet Karayılan Mehmet Kaya Mehmet Kendirlioğlu Mehmet Kilci Mehmet Kurukahveci Mehmet Kırıcı Mehmet Memecan Mehmet Mesut Çakmak Mehmet Mutlu Mehmet Muş Mehmet Nadir Delikanlı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy Mehmet Nuri Kökçüoğlu Mehmet Oktay Mehmet Rüzgar Mehmet Sarıca Mehmet Sedat Güngör Mehmet Sefa Saral Mehmet Tarakçıoğlu Mehmet Yaltır Mehmet Yıldırım Mehmet Zeybek Mehmet Çabuk Mehmet Çıkmaz Mehmet Ömer Kızıl Mehmet Özhaseki Mehmet Özkurnaz Mehmet İpek Mehmet Şahin Çakan Mehmet Şerif Öter Melanie Epp Melanie Joy Melek Çakmak Melen Dam Melen Stream Melih Er Melih İşliel Melike Koçoğlu Melisa Tokgöz Mutlu Melting glaciers Memduh Büyükkılıç Memişoğlu Tarım Ürünleri MENA Menderes Mayor Menemen Chamber of Commerce Menemen Municipality Menemen plain of İzmir Menengic coffee Meram District Chamber of Agriculture Mercedita Sombilla Mersin Mersin-Tarsus Agricultural Product Processing Specialised Industrial Zone Mersin AgroPark Mersin Beekeepers Association Mersin Commodity Exchange Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Mert Altınkılınç Merve Gülistan Aydın Merve Tüzer Kaya Mesin Metropolitan Mayor Mesut Ergin Mesut Ergül Mesut Çakmak Mesut Öztürk Metehan Özcan Methane emissions Methane gas Methane reduction Metin Akman Metin Güneş Metin Karagöl Metin Türker Metin Öztürk Metro Turkey Mevlana (Razaki) Grapes Mevlüt Ceyhun Tekdemir Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu MEWA India 2025 Global Nuts and Dried Fruits Fair Mexican agro-industrial exports MEYED Michael de Renouard Michael Dunford Michael Durach Michael Head Michael Holthouse Michael Lazarus Michael Pollan Michael Ruggier Micke Godtfredsen Micro-Entrepreneurship Microfarming market Migration Migratory beekeepers Mihriban Esin Arslan Mike Lee Mike Walsten Mikhail Mishustin Milas Chamber of Commerce Milas oil olives Milas olive oil Milk and meat prices Milk and milk products Milk cooling Milk cream Milk fat ratio Milking of royal jelly Milk Lamb Project Milk market Milk powder Milk powder regulation Milk prices Milk prices in Turkey Milk prices in Türkiye Milk production Milk production in China Milk production in Turkey Milk production in Turkiye Milk production in Türkiye Milk production in Ödemiş Milk reference price Millet Millet production Millets and sorghum Mine Altın Mine Ataman Minimum wage Mining activitiy Mining Site Rehabilitation Action Plan Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Mini vegetables Mirbey Adam Mirek Dusek Mirza Mofazzal Islam Misinformation Misleading consumers Mixed nuts Mobile farm Mobitem Mocha Model factory Modern irrigation systems Moisture Sensor Vehicle Tracking Device Monika Prezeworska Monika Tothova Monitoring 50 agricultural products Monitoring sensors Monsoon rainsn Monte Ida Olive Oil Monthly inflation in January Moody's Morrison Rwakakamba Morten Hartvigsen Mosaic Co.