Growth rate figures in Turkey are not yet supported by an increase in productivity at the desired level. There is a need for more inclusive and continuous studies to systematically analyse and resolve productivity problems at national and sectoral level, at different segments and scales.

In addition, development of mechanisms, programs and incentives are needed to support innovative productivity technologies and investments that will directly increase productivity in the industry. In the global competitive environment, integrated productivity management with a macro and micro perspective is indispensable for productivity of SMEs and the capacity of developing policies in this field in order to ensure efficiency-based structural transformation of our country’s industry.

Productivity is an issue that has been frequently emphasized in development plans and strategy documents. Eleventh Development Plan (2019- 2023) states that SME weighted structure of Turkish economy continues and problems of growth, institutionalization and productivity increase in SMEs have to be solved for improvement of competitive power, entrepreneurship, innovation and employment in our economy.

The plan envisions an economic and social development process that increases productivity in every field in our country and generates more value in order to gain international competitiveness with the move of national technology. Throughout the plan period, the main objective is taking the basic steps towards achieving the development vision by embracing the goals and objectives envisaged in the Development Plan by all segments of the society, based on the principles of human focus, participation, inclusiveness, accountability, transparency and efficiency.

The policies and objectives of the Eleventh Development Plan are defined on the following five basic development axes: ‘Stable and strong economy’, ‘Competitive production and efficiency’, ‘Qualified people and strong society’, ‘Liveable cities and sustainable environment’, and ‘Rule of law, democratization and good governance’  

Within the scope of recent development plans, policy and strategy documents for the industrial sectors, the main purpose is defined as accelerating the efficiency-based transformation of our industry. We can summarize the structural features of productivity increase studies that should be developed with in the fields of institutional, scientific, technological, legal, etc. as follows: 

· Improving policy-making processes in efficiency related fields and increasing traceability, 

· To strengthen the harmony between the education system and the labour market and increasing labour productivity,

 · Strengthening the technological equipment, institutionalization, efficiency application and R&D capacities of companies, 

. Improving the competencies of manufacturing industry enterprises in the fields of institutionalization, production and value chain management, R&D and innovation, digital transformation and internationalization through training and consultancy, 

· Increasing capital efficiency with measures aimed at improving the business and investment environment, 

· To popularize applications and technologies in the transformation process to sustainable production infrastructure in the industry, 

· Increasing the benefits obtained through the spatial organization of production and forming sectoral power associations, 

· To certify trainers and consultants in order to increase the quality of training and consultancy services, 

· Conducting supportive studies (applied research etc.) to increase the productivity, innovation and digitalization capacity of the industry and disseminating the results, 

· To make supportive and encouraging studies for the widespread use of new and innovative productivity technologies in industrial sectors. 

Source: http://anahtar.sanayi.gov.tr

About İsmail Uğural

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