Seed sector orientated towards the Balkans…
Balkan Seed Workshop was organised in Edirne by the Balkan Seed Growers Association hosted by Trakya University with the support of Turkish Sub-Union of Seed Industrialists and Producers (TSÜAB).
Stating that Türkiye has always been in close relations with the Balkan geography, TSÜAB President Yıldıray Gençer emphasised that the Turkish seed sector has made a great breakthrough in recent years. “There are 1,100 seed companies in our country, and we produce approximately 1.5 million tonnes of certified seeds annually. At this point, we are in a position to export to many countries,” Gençer said.
Pointing out that they have focused on Balkan countries with the Balkan Seed Growers Association established in the past months, Gençer noted, “We have rolled up our sleeves to do the same work in the Balkans as we have done in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. In this process, we will carry out good works through the Balkan Seed Growers Association.”
“We would like to start important co-operations, joint productions, research and development activities and many more between Türkiye and Balkan countries,” Gençer added…