Press release…
100 per cent of cheese and dairy products exports to Russia are from Pınar Dairy…
Pınar Dairy (Süt) has become the leader of its sector by realising 100 percent of the cheese and dairy products exports from Türkiye to this region in the Russian market, where it first started exporting with Pınar Labneh and Pınar White (Beyaz) products in 2015.
Gürkan Hekimoğlu, General Manager of Pınar Dairy (Süt), said that they aim to export long-life milk category in the Russian market in the future.
After Rosselkhoznadzor, the Russian Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Authority, gave permission to three Turkish companies, including Pınar Dairy (Süt), to export dairy products to Russia in 2014, Pınar Dairy made its first export to Russia in 2015 with Pınar Labne and Pınar Whiye (Beyaz) products. Pınar Dairy, which brings together quality and healthy dairy products with 35 countries of the world by realising 17.5 percent of the dairy products exports from Türkiye alone, has become the leader of the sector by realising 100 percent of the cheese and dairy products exports to the Russian market as of the first 6 months of this year.
‘Consumer needs may differ according to geography’
“After the first export operations we carried out after we won the right to export to the Russian market in 2015, we carried out a series of studies by our R&D team to meet the needs of this market. As a result, we produced our Flavoured Pınar Labnehs, which add value to our brand and offered them to the Russian market. They have now become our most preferred products in the Russian market. In the coming period, we aim to export in the long-life milk category,” Hekimoğlu said.
“As in 35 countries of the world, we want to diversify our exports to the Russian market on a product basis and bring more flavour, health and quality to the tables there,” Hekimoğlu added…