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Minister Pakdemirli assured: “Food stocks are sufficient”

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, who stated that some people tried to create an issue as if there was a supply problem related to sugar last week, said that there was excess supply in the sector.

Pakdemirli said, “Turkey’s food stocks are sufficient. Nobody in Turkey should try to speculate about food stocks unnecessarily. Of course, there is a serious increase in food prices. One of the main reasons for this increase is that there is a real spike in overseas prices.”

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, who attended the Sector Meeting in Osmaniye province and made a speech, responded to the allegations that there is a problem in some foods. Pakdemirli explained:

Bekir Pakdemirli

“Turkey’s food stocks are sufficient. In other words, no one in Turkey should try to speculate about food stocks unnecessarily. During the last week, an attempt was made to create a topic related to sugar as if there was a supply problem. As of today, all sugar factories continued to supply. There is an oversupply in our industry. In fact, a significant part of the excess supply is exported. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Turkey’s strong production infrastructure has had no problems with the food industry and retail sectors. Hopefully, we will not cause any problems to our consumers in the future.”

“There is a serious increase in food prices”

“Of course, there is a serious rise in food prices. Prices have doubled. The spike in food prices, including in developed countries all over the world, is on the main agenda of the whole world,” pakdemirli added.

Drawing attention to the rising feed prices, Minister Pakdemirli concluded, “We are also faced with a very serious hike in feed prices. In order to protect our breeder to a certain extent, as the Turkish Grain Board (TMO), we started the feed raw material sales in July. We started to supply affordable feed raw materials to cattle, sheep and poultry industries. We supply these to the feed industry at affordable prices. We supply these three crops of wheat, corn and barley to both the industry and the breeder. So far, we have supplied 3 million 7 tonnes of grain. In terms of costs, we have prevented a cost of at least 2-3 billion.”

About İsmail Uğural

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