No place for exploitation of consumers’ environmental sensitivity!
No mercy for greenwashing!

The Advertising Board, which continues its efforts to prevent the exploitation of consumers’ sensitivity to nature through greenwashing, decided to impose administrative sanctions on 4 different companies operating in the food, clothing and durable consumer goods sectors on the grounds of the ambiguity of general statements such as “nature-friendly”, “cares about nature as much as you do” and “climate-friendly” in their advertisements and the lack of proof of environmental claims in the advertisements.
In the meeting number 346 of the Advertising Board of the Ministry of Trade, 147 of the 175 files were found to be in violation of the legislation, and it was decided to impose a total administrative fine of 20,100,269-TL together with a suspension penalty on the advertisements and commercial practices in question. In addition, the Board decided to block access to 3 files together with these fines.
Misleading consumers with “greenwashing” method is prevented…
It was reported in the statement that with the increase in the environmental sensitivity of consumers, it has been observed that advertisers have recently included advertisements containing “environmental declarations” in a way to exploit the lack of information of consumers, and it was emphasised that necessary studies were carried out by the Ministry in order to prevent consumers from being deceived by misleading their shopping preferences with this method also called “greenwashing”.