Girgin: Honey producers cannot find sugar
Republican People’s Party (CHP) Muğla Deputy Süleyman Girgin stated that honey producers in Muğla province have problems in supplying sugar from Turkish Sugar Factories (TÜRKŞEKER) and brought the issue to the agenda of the Grand National Assembly of Turkiye (TBMM).
CHP Muğla Deputy Süleyman Girgin asked the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, with a parliamentary question, asking him to answer the problems of beekeepers engaged in honey production in Muğla, in writing.
Girgin said, “The sugar needs of our beekeepers must be solved urgently. Pine honey production is a traditional agricultural activity in Muğla region. The negativities caused by global climate change in recent years and the fires that caused the destruction of a large forest area in Muğla last year have damaged this activity. The vital thing for beekeepers is to prevent bees from dying in winter and to produce for the new season with spring. Producers make beekeeping by making their bees stay far away. However, this year, it has become a burden for beekeepers to go to the bees because of the fuel prices.”
Pointing out that it is also necessary to feed the bees with sugar in this season, Girgin explained, “Since the prices of private sugar factories are very high, our beekeepers try to procure sugar from Türk Şeker. Our beekeepers, who were able to obtain sugar from the Agricultural Credit Cooperatives previously, at an affordable price or on a term basis, are experiencing difficulties in supplying sugar from Türk Şeker this year. Rumours are also circulating that Türk Şeker will sell liquid bee feed instead of granulated sugar.”
“However, beekeepers insist on providing sugar instead of liquid bee feed. They say, ‘If we can’t keep our bees alive, if we can’t walk our bees, there will be big problems not only for honey production but also for other herbal productions, we want this fact to be seen,'” Girgin added…