Press release…
Türkiye, the world’s dried fruit supplier…
The priority of the Turkish dried fruit sector is sustainable production and export by protecting its lands.
Türkiye is the world’s largest supplier of dried fruits, which are included in the list of healthy food products by the World Health Organization.
Türkiye, with its dried fruit exports reaching 500 thousand tonnes in 2022, showed an export performance of 1 billion 573 million dollars.
Holding a press conference at Aegean Exporters’ Associations (EIB), Aegean Dried Fruits and Products Exporters’ Association Chairperson Mehmet Ali Işık stated that seedless raisins, dried apricots and dried figs are the locomotive in Türkiye’s dried fruit exports.
Pointing out that Türkiye’s production of seedless raisins has soared from 120 thousand tonnes to 300-350 thousand tonnes in the last 30 years, Işık said, “We have achieved a great success by working together as a producer and exporter in seedless raisins and we have become the world leader in production and export. By exporting 254 thousand tonnes of raisins in 2022, we earned 431 million dollars in foreign currency to our country.”
“We are building apricot drying tunnels”
Sharing the information that dried apricots, defined as Turkish sweetheet (şekerpare) grown in Malatya province, are in the second place in the export of dried fruits, Işık continued his words as follows; “We realize 54 percent of the world production of dried apricots on our own. In 2022, we signed an export of 402 million dollars in exports. In order to boost food safety in dried apricots, we bring innovations such as apricot kernel extraction and drying tunnels to the sector. We create exemplary projects.”