Local wheat production is encouraged in Mersin…
Within the scope of the project of on-site conservation and marketing of local wheat varieties, harvesting season of yellow wheat cultivated by 13 farmers in Silifke district has approached.
Mersin Province Metropolitan Mayor Vahap Seçer said that they will support a different ancestral seed every year.
Within the scope of the project carried out to popularize the local wheat species in Mersin, the season of harvesting pristine and indigenous yellow wheat, which was planted by Silifke farmers in last autumn, has approached.
19 tons of yield expected…
Within the scope of the study carried out with Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, it is estimated that Silifke producers will harvest about 19 tons of yellow wheat in this harvest season. Harvested wheat will be sold primarily to those who demand it, the rest will be bought by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality. Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, which guarantees twice the price of the wheat price determined by the Turkish Grain Board (TMO), will receive the kilogram of wheat from the farmer at 3.5 TL. Thus, each producer will earn an average of 5,240 lira. Total income of 13 farmers in Balandız District will be 68 thousand 250 TL.